Geraldine Ferraro was an ‘On Point’ guest on Tuesday. She was well spoken and coherent!
Ferraro supports Hillary and makes no apologizes. She is a plain spoken New Yorker too.
The candidates should stick to the issues. But there is a question of fairness when one is held to a different standard.
Bigotry is bigotry. Whether it is based on race or gender.
Again, it is great to have a choice between Barack and Hillary. Tough decisions demonstrate what progress we have made.
Please share widely!
And if it was not it sure was the closest thing to it.
p>Like Tina Fey it is great to see these prominent women start banging the gong about the Double Standard that has dominated this election. How many Male Pundits have beaten up Hillary over the last few months??
p>On “This week with George Stephanopolus” Sunday morning, Cokie Roberts got on to the subject of how many women have a life of accomplishment only to have a younger well spoken man with less experience take their job ( like say when George Stephanopolus got Cookies’ job on This Week, she was staring right at him while making that comment)
Like the double standard that allowed Hillary to run for Senate in a state she had never lived in. The US Senate as an entry level political office is not something that happens to many people.
p>Like the double standard that allows her to win a majority of the women’s vote when women make up a majority of the voters. Her gender has kept her in the race. If she was dude – stiff and boring and wonkish like she is – she would have been done a long time ago – ask Biden, Dodd, Bayh and all the other stiff white guy senators who got beat down.
…your message of hate with the new world order of being positive you must be interested in with your support for Barack?
. . . just a mere Hillary supporter. I am comfortable supporting whichever candidate we select as our nominee. I can’t say the same of Generation Obama according to media interviews.
p>We, Democrats, have two outstanding candidates. I could accuse you of age or gender hate, but I wouldn’t do that.
p>I just feel that Hillary has the experience we need to have a great president.
Bobby Kennedy pulled the same maneuvah, by moving to NY and running for Senator in 1964. He was portrayed by his opponent as a “cahpetbagger,” and a fresh little upstart. It didn’t help, because RFK won anyway.
p>Regarding the double-standard that “allows” (interesting choice of word, BTW) her to win a majority of the women’s vote – you have to be joshing right. In this day and age, when less than 3% of CEOs are women, and the gender breakdown of the House and Senate are abysmal….you’re really suggesting it’s a double standard for women to WANT women to succeed?
p>Actually lanugo, it’s pretty telling that you don’t “see” a double standard. It’s been universally aknowledged that the press has been very hard on Hillary, while pretty much allow Barack to go unmauled. Of course – that could all change post convention.
Considering the hostility that Tim Russert and Chris Matthews show toward Hillary, it was nice to hear a discussion. Russert and Matthews should demonstrate a little objectivity or just endorse Obama.
The Democrats are busy piling on and bashing each other, when there are tons of real issues to be discussed and preperations for the final countdown towards the Presidency. How the hell are the Democrats going to survive and prevail with what they’re doing? Not good, imo.
I believe a good primary contest makes us stronger. we, Democrats, can handle this. It keeps all the issues of concern on the table.
p>I am so proud we have such a diverse field in the Democratic Party.