In response to an excellent reader suggestion about the need for more humor on BMG, herewith a new weekly feature: the Friday Joke Revue. Let’s face it, politics is the last legal blood sport in Massachusetts, or the nation’s first reality show. The main difference is that in politics the entertainers get paid less than in show business. If we changed, “Commentary on …” to, “Entertainment about …” in our masthead slogan it might be more accurate.
All jokes drawn from Dan Kurtzman’s excellent Political Humor Blog on Don’t miss his stellar Ralph Nader Ridicule Roundup: Proven Losership. I’ve given my favorite the first place of honor.
“And my favorite candidate, Ralph Nader, announced he’s running for president! Oh, I love Ralph. You know, you can’t get rid of him. Every election year he pops up. He’s like the herpes of presidential candidates.” –Jay Leno
“But seriously how about that John McCain? John McCain looks like a guy whose head you can barely see over the steering wheel. … John McCain looks like the guy who picks up his TV remote when the phone rings. … John McCain looks like the guy who has to be told to close his robe. … John McCain looks like the guy who thinks the nurses are stealing his stuff. ‘Dad, why would they take your socks? It doesn’t make sense.'” –David Letterman
“You all know Senator Larry Craig, America’s favorite restroom enthusiast, we call him. He announced he is taking applications for summer interns to work in his office. … Isn’t that unbelievable? Would you want that on your resume? ‘I served under Larry Craig.’ All interviews will be conducted in stall number three, I believe. You just wait and he’ll push some papers under the door.” –Jay Leno
“Hillary criticized Obama so strongly that at one point he yelled at her. He just said, ‘Hey, easy, lady, we’re not married'” –David Letterman
“No, Obama and Hillary argued last night over which candidate the Republicans are most afraid of. Interesting. I don’t want to take sides here, but I think it’s pretty obvious which candidate Republicans are most afraid of, John McCain.” –Jay Leno
“They have debated so much that they are now debating about debating. Did you see this? A lot of this debate was about the power of words. Hillary said, ‘Actions speak louder than words,’ Then Obama said, ‘Words can speak as loud as actions.’ And then McCain said, ‘Speak louder!'” –Bill Maher
“This is exciting news. Southern Methodist University announced that they will be the home of George W. Bush’s presidential library. This will be the first presidential library to be made up entirely of small, shiny objects. In fact, I understand right now, they’re building a shelf for the book.” –Jay Leno
“The New York Times this week printed an article alleging that John McCain may have had an improper affair with lobbyist Vicki Iseman. Or, as it’s known among lobbyists, lobbying.” –Amy Poehler
How cold was it?
p>… It was so cold today that John McCain was actually caught putting his hands in his own pocket…
p>… It was so cold today that not a single Republican was caught with his pants down…
p>… It was so cold today that it was reported that Katherine Harris, after years of trying, actually managed a ‘warm smile’…
these days, anyday really.
p>I don’t have any jokes but recently saw these two sites that made me laugh:
p>Obey the Purebred is done in a Soviet agitprop meets Orwell style. Chairman Meow cracks me up.
Project For the Old American Century is darker but some images are very funny.
Poor John McCain! it must be so confusing to keep track of all these newfangled political parties. I expect supporters to be signing loyalty oaths to the Whig Party in order to attend stump speeches starting next week. D’oh!
to make me laugh out loud.
p>The other night at the end of his piece on the NYTimes, he provided this limerick:
p>There once was a man named McCain
Who had the whole White House to gain
But he was quite a hobbyist
Of boning his lobbyist
So much for his oh-eight campaign
There was a Letterman crack tonight I don’t remember verbatim, but it was roughly: “A leap day comes around once every four years and is completely useless…sort of like Ralph Nader’s Presidential runs.”