Governor Patrick has known Sean for some time, as Sean was an active worker in Governor Patrick’s campaign, and proved himself a tireless worker who could bring people together to get the job done! Governor Patrick showed his friendship and support for Sean Garballey yesterday by coming to Arlington to support and endorse Sean. It was clear to me, watching from my back table, that Sean and Deval know and are comfortable with one another.
Of Course, Deval also went into the kitchen, and greeted and spoke with each and every diner and employee while he was there. There were some VERY large eyed elementary school children at the Arlington Diner in Arlington yesterday! [Due to the truly miserable weather, Arlington delayed the start of school yesterday for two hours, so some parents and children were at the Arlington Diner for a leisurely breakfast – little knowing the excitement that yesterday morning would bring!]
Quite a few others were there also to show support. I am sure I did not recognize or note everyone, but among those present was: Sheriff DiPaola, Sean Fitzgerald [Rep. Kaufman’s chief of Staff – Rep. Kaufman was traveling out of state], Rep. Will Brownsberger, Selectwoman Annie LaCourt, Selectwoman Diane Mahon, Selectwoman Clarissa Rowe, Selectman Jack Hurd, Medford Mayor Michael McGuinn, Medford Councilman Paul Camuso, the Chairwoman of the Deval Patrick Committee Liz Morningstar, former Representive Joe Daly, Michael McCabe, retired principal and chair of the Garballey Campaign, Mike Healey, town meeting member Marc Butler, reporters from the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald, and many other folks too numerous to mention.
Governor Patrick made sure to greet everyone, whether former representative Daley, or local children having breakfast due to the two hour delay in the start of school due to the truly awful weather. If I missed anyone, it was inadvertent and due to the very crowded, lively nature of this event.
Not only that, the food was good. Gov. Patrick made sure to finish his breakfast before heading off to the next event!
favors the construction of three large casinos in the Commonwealth?
Made me look it up. From his website
I made the comment half in jest, mostly to grump about what appears to be morphing into Deval Patrick’s signature issue.
p>If it turns out to be so, then that will be two consecutive governors who campaigned as Guy Z and governed as Not Guy Z.
The Municipal Partnership Act is good government, and a real means to begin to change the “structural deficit” situation.
p>Unfotunately, in my birth city I was born in Detroit, and went to law school in Detroit] Casinos have not been any kind of panacea. See… or{Some information about urban casinos, revenue, unions and casions in my old home town…I guess Sean Garballey is not sold yet, well, but neither am I. I would not call be “opposed” but neither would I say I “support” casinos or view them as a “solution”.
How does the guv’s new ‘do look up close?
p>But seriously, I think this show of force indicates that it could be a close race with Worden on the ballot.
Is it true that Sean ordered from the children’s menu?
p>Did he order waffles? Or did someone order for him?
p>John Worden is a Republican. He’s also the adult in the race.
Does he live with his folks or does he actually own or rent property in Arlington?
p>Call me a snob, but I feel somewhat comforted when my State Rep pays property taxes like I do.
Our boy claims to be a lifelong resident of Arlington. This has been 100% the decision of mommy and daddy, as the child has never lived on his own.
Well Maul you are truly showing that you have no class and are a democrat in name only. Sean won a heard fought campaign for his shot at being a State Rep. Why are you so intimidated by that are you compensating for something. Your bitterness harkens from some child hood disturbance what did your parents ship you off to a boot camp some where and forget to pick you up when summer was over get a life.
p>John Worden is no friend to the working families of Massachusetts he may have a nice record as a town moderator where, he rarely had to vote on anything but, how will he vote on issues like Education, infrastructure and how about increasing aid to City and Town’s. Right in step with the Republicans who want charter schools and no taxes and privatize this and privatize that. We have had 16 years of do nothing but cut by Republican Administrations and our Schools are seeing short falls with class sizes increasing and Roads and bridges looking like down town Bagdad and we want another republican in office. Please! You know, I seem to remember a number of very young representatives in my day and even today lets try names like Ed Markey any one remember the young 22 year old who the speaker put his desk out in the hall way for challenging him on social issues and education. How about Barnie Frank also serving in the same house with Ed. I would say they handled being a state rep very well don’t you think so Maul. Seems like they both are doing well as US Congressmen too. Lets look at others serving in today’s House how about Carl Sorintino in Medford/ Somerville and Mark Falzone in Saugus. Great Democrats elected very young and doing a great job as Democrats. Maybe Burlington you need to experience youth and energy in your district to appreciate a young mans hard work.
p>Go back under your rock and label your self as what you are a Democrat in Name Only because your to afraid to say your just another Privatizing Republican driving a big SUV.
p>As always just my opinion but damn sure of this one
Sorry, but I do think that even if poorly phrased this is a legitimate issue.
p>I’m not calling for Garballey to release his taxes but seriously, has he ever paid any? He doesn’t pay real estate taxes by virtue of living in his parent’s home. Has he ever had a paying job? Has he had state/fed taxes pulled from his paycheck? These all seem legitimate questions as I am a taxpayer.
p>As for your blanket statements about Worden I see those baseless/factless thoughts to carry as much weight as “Dems for Worden.”
p>Do you know where Worden stands on Charter schools? On what do you base your statement that Worden is “no friend to the working families of Massachusetts” Why do you say he’ll privatize everything and that he is “Right in step with the Republicans”?
p>Right now you seem to be engaging in the same nonsensical tactics you apparently despise.