“Solutions for America” Rally with Hillary in Worcester
Monday, February 4, 2008
11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Clark University- Kneller Athletic Center
950 Main St.
Worcester, MA 01610
General Area: Florence St. and Downing St.
Join Hillary in Worcester, MA the day before Super Tuesday! Senator Clinton will be at Clark University as part of her “Solutions for America” tour. Doors open at 11:30. The event will begin at 12:30
Please share widely!
With all of these appearances the candidates encourage people to R.S.V.P., but admission seems to be first-come-first-serve. Is that so they have a general idea of how big the crowd will be? Or do they all just insert useless bureaucratic steps because they are conditioned to do so?
p>Go Obama…oh yeah….Go PATS too!
Of course they want a general idea of how many people are coming. If the on-line RSVPs are not what a campaign would like, they do more crowd-building.
p>Addtionally, they want to capture information on supporters.
Just got a call about the rally. The thing I liked about it is that the grassroots are alive and well in Hillary’s campaign. I told her that I would be voting for Hillary and wished her the best in a tough job today. Calls definitely are the most work you can do for a candidate.
I say this, even though I will be voting for John Edwards [Ah, the heart is strange, and does not change quickly] –
p>There are votes to be had by making clear that you understand that the “Bostoncentric” attitude of may political types is more than an annoyance beyond Route 128 AND
p>There are votes to be had by being in a central location.
p>Just imagine the changes in this state if the state capitol were moved to Worcester, as the state capitol of Michigan is in Lansing, not Detroit…just for example.
p>Besides, if the state government was moved out, the leaky, deteriorating State House could get a real, serious, overhaul.
p>To me it seems that the inbred nature of Massachusetts politics may, in part, result from cramming so much into a tiny part of the state – where the state holders see only one another so much of the time.
p>Just my .02 – so good for Hillary Clinton for having her main event this Super Tuesday Massachusetts in Worcester. She hasn’t changed my mind…yet…but this is a positive.