Our economic policies are driving desperate economic migrations. Our Farm subsidies are destroying the Mexican farmer. US farmers can sell corn below cost due to subsidies. As a result, the Mexican corn sector is in acute crisis, and more than a million Mexican corn farmers have been driven into bankruptcy and many of these desperate farmers migrate to the United States. Agricultural subsidies have also impacted the American yeoman farmer; it is Agribusiness that benefits. NAFTA opened the Mexican Market to US corn imports and local Mexican farmers are unable to compete due to the US subsidies. American corn prices in Mexico are 15 to 20 percent lower then the cost to produce that corn in the US, driving nearly a million Mexican farmers out of business.
But the destruction of the Mexican yeoman farmer should not be ignored and must not continue. See http://www.oxfam.org/en/policy…
Demonizing those whose families have been sundered by paperwork backlogs and whose livelihoods have been destroyed by NAFTA and US corn subsidies is immoral.
Corn subsidies should be eliminated immediately, USCIS should be fully staffed – and that is just the beginning of the changes that need to be made.
Further, law abiding, tax paying residents who entered the United States illegally due to either the heinous backlog in processing family unification petitions or facing starvation and bankruptcy by the destruction of the Mexican yeoman corn farmer should have a pathway to legal status.
Further posts will follow on this topic from me.
p>2. We have to rethink our free-trade, free-market economic policies, which have made large numbers of people both in this country and around the world worse off in the long run.
recently i’ve met 3 people who have been through the naturalization process. one, a white canadian woman, got her citizenship lickety-split. the other two, an iranian man and a chinese man, are both still have “pending” name checks with the fbi. the fbi has already verified that they have no criminal record, and give no explanation for the wait. by law, such determinations are to be made in 120 days or less. in the case of the iranian guy, he has been waiting in limbo for 3 years. he has an elderly father living alone in iran, and can’t bring him to care for him here until he is a citizen. what are the odds this will ever happen? it is heartbreaking.
had to renew his visa by going to a Canadian US embassy because he had a stamp in his passport from Morocco. He went there on a diving expedition.
p>What I do question are the decisions based upon lunacy over who is a terrorist.
i’ve been hassled coming back into the us from canada for having passport stamps from tanzania and kenya. and i don’t even fit the “terrorist” profile. it just won’t do, traveling to lands inhabited by anyone darker than a manila envelope! alarm bells do ring!