From the Lynn Item (link below)
SWAMPSCOTT – Democrat Lori Ehrlich, who is running for the 8th Essex District seat, will manage her own campaign effective immediately.
Sometime over the weekend, Ehrlich severed ties with Ryan Adams, who was named her campaign manager last week following the primary.…
Please share widely!
I loved his album “Gold.”
p>”Answering Bell” is my favorite track.
It’s Ryan P. Adams, who is also on here. He has been having some issues as of late. Ryan, please come on here and let us know that everything is okay! Everyone is concerned with the general welfare of everybody.
I was only kidding.
p>He recently posted about some nefarious actors (“right wong” and “local tabloids”) who conspired against him and caused him to take down his website.
p>He’s probably home right now fashioning himself a new tinfoil hat.
A candidate should never manage her own campaign. She needs to stay focused on meeting people and fundraising calls. For a state rep. race the manager may be the only paid staff, but that person needs to be the one to plan events, manage the office, supervise volunteers, etc. I know it’s tempting, but it easily burns out a candidate and takes her eye off the ball. There is simply not enough time to both run and manage.
My guess is that she’s not really managing her campaign except for when the press asks due to all the crap that Ryan had to deal with the day after she announced he was her new manager.
p>The whole situation is very interesting, though and really illustrates why campaigns + bloggers can be tricky. John Edwards and Amanda Marcotte discovered this earlier in the campaign cycle.
Posting commentary and controversial video/comments/etc often comes back to bite you if you are interesting in working the political field.
p>The situation should be a caution flag to others because campaign staff should never become the focus in a candidate’s campaign.
That’s news to me. I’m not her CM anymore, but that’s by choice, and the satirical video I made was taken waaay out of context. Furthermore, the lyrics and song aren’t mine and the video was made 16 months ago, in one night, in response to Kerry Healey’s Willie Horton and Ben LeGauer ads which made innuendo widely criticized by the whole state. The same author who wrote the article linked above also decided it was a good idea to publicly out me in a previous article, when I had family members who didn’t know I was gay.
p>Lori’s issues and experience are unassailable, so it should come as no surprise that the media would zoom in on a volunteer, who hasn’t been paid a dime and deferred his college loans just so he could be involved at a full time basis. I wish the media would focus on the candidate and the issues that are important to the district, but I can’t write a journalists’ article for them. I would hope, though, that the BMG community at least could focus on the issues instead of the horse race.