I received in today’s mail the third campaign mailing within just a few days for Senator Kerry. I don’t recall him actively campaigning this early before. Noted, of course that this is caucus season. Does this signal that he is scared of Ed O’Reilly, or that he does not want to be seen as taking anything for granted? What say you all?
Please share widely!
Of course, much of that mail is being paid for with unused funds from his presidential run.
p>If nothing else, O’Reilly has reminded Kerry that he ostensibly represents a certain part of the country.
a campaign bus for one of Kerry’s R challengers– not Ogo, the other one–on the Mass Pike last month.
the rolling campaign billboard and RV. Ask Ilana Freedman how that worked out for her.
Received it a few days ago…not impressed. It had “Change” right on the front, and its main message seemed to be a poll showing that a majority thought Kerry should not run for reelection, I believe. I was not impressed.
My wife and I have gotten three differnet Kerry mailings between us. My guess is that he targetted the same former state convention delegates that Ed O’Reilly did in advance of the caucus.
p>Easier than doing any organizing, though.
ever again. When Weld ran against so many years ago; I was on the front lines. Now,he can pound sand. I hope he’s afraid. I will vote for anybody else.
you’re planning to vote for Ogo?
He advertises on BMG, and just got the Progressive Dems endorsement. Not that I know the difference between a progressive dem or any other dem…but you can put me in the anybody but John Kerry camp.
Yet successful in almost none. He’s got the uncanny ability to inspire dems everywhere to sleep.
and he’s still at it. He takes soft stances on major issues because he doesn’t want to be pegged one way or another in a future presidential campaign.
p>We need a junior senator that is unequivocally and unamibigously progressive.
For example, in 2006 he campaigned for Lamont. On all the major votes since 2004, Kerry has voted as one would want or threatened to filibuster as one would want. Perhaps if he had more experience on a school committee, he’d handle this even better?
p>Earlier in his Senate career, I was very unhappy with him: on Central America he was terrible.
p>He’s really improved.
might want to spend a little time on that decision. PDA is most closely associated with Kucinich — if that floats your boat, well then EO might be a good candidate for you. Progressive Dems of MA has not endorsed. I used to think anybody but Kerry, whom I despise, but I’ve since set my standards a little bit higher than “anybody”.
as far as I’m concerned, Democrats are Democrats. But this is NOT just a bad day. It’s ten years in municipal gov’t, and 15 years on disability and Medicare issues that lead me to believe that anyone else could do a better job. His DC office is the most arrogant and miserable of the lot – without a whole lot to back it up. And it’s not just me, there are plenty of people who are saying the same thing. We deserve better than this. If I, as a former supporter, can be disgusted, I believe there are more than a few of us out there.
I used to do some constituent services work under the dome and when we needed to contact one of our two US Senators we always went with Kennedy. His staff was polite, prompt, responsive and would always handle situations appropriately. By contrast Kerry’s office was like a black hole – never knew what, if anything, they were doing on the constituent’s behalf. Several times it turned out the answer was indeed that they’d done nothing… so we started the process with Kennedy’s office.
p>Ineffectiveness like this comes from the top down.
Anytime someone puts down Kucinich, I have to ask: Name one or two positions of his you do not agree with please..
to guess you fall quite perfectly within that highly discerning PDA demographic. PDA all the way.
What has changed from then until now to have turned you so against Kerry?
I got a glossy, waste of paper/trees, mailing from Kerry about… drum roll… saving the environment! UGH!
p>After checking out the O’reilly campaign site just now – I’m psyched to support him. I don’t hate Kerry, but if you’re for single payer health care, out of the wars, pro-lgbt – then I’m with ya!
It is kind of simple. If you support the Democratic platform, then you disagree with Kerry and agree with O’Reilly.
p>There are other reasons to support Kerry, involving all kinds of political calculations, but at least on the issues, Ed’s the one.
On the issues, I’m better than O’Reilly.
p>Will you vote for me?
You can bet he is scared when he is seen in the district more than three months before the election. He was able to arrange a photo-op recently in a local business tabloid in an effort to create the illusion that he actually does something for Massachusetts’ business.
p>Ogonowski needs to highlight the cavalier treatment that business organizations get when they visit Senator Kerry’s office in Washington. If the people of Massachusetts realized the declining share of federal R&D dollars over the last ten years due to Kerry’s indifference, the outrage would be palpable.
p>Unfortunately, most of those affected are among the 300,000 citizens we have lost since 2000, and they don’t vote here anymore.
He was mentioned here a few days ago as someone who would be a good candidate. I am going to write his name in.