I have a special email address that I use only to subscribe to a handful of right-wing anti-gay organizations. Occasionally I find myself subscribed to and receiving emails from related organizations to which I never subscribed. However, for the first time in several years of using this address solely for this purpose, I received a spam email from a political campaign. The McCain campaign.
Here is the McCain spam.
From: “Citizens for McCain” info@citizensformccain.net
To: [redacted]
Subject: Why is Sam Brownback supporting John McCain?
Date: Saturday, February 02, 2008 3:14:11 AM
February 1, 2008
Why is Sam Brownback supporting John McCain? To answer that question as well as what you can do to support John McCain in Washington State, click here.
I emailed the McCain campaign, asking where they got my email address, but of course got no reply. At least one of the orgs I get emails from is a 501(c)3, meaning it cannot legally advocate or oppose political candidates. However, I know of no way to determine the provenance of the email list give-away. It could have been by one of the others, which are not tax exempt.
But one thing is clear: John McCain, the man who many voters see as “moderate”, is anything but. Here he is appealing for votes to the population of one of these virulently anti-gay organizations, riding on the recommendation of one of the most outspoken homophobes of our day.
What does it say about Senator McCain that he is making such direct appeals to bigotry?
The Organizations I’ve subscribed to
Here are address, because no other address that I use through them received the McCain ad. So one of the following savory orgs is supplying McCain with their email lists.