Now I imagine many of you clicked on this post while in your mind words like “What the f*** is he thinking” were articulated. Immature, Asinine, Childish, Rude and you would be right if I was serious but I assure you I am not.
However let’s just list a small sample of what the other candidate has endured
Hillary’s Hair http://archive.southcoasttoday…
Hillary’s Cackle…
Hillary’s School Nick Name and other dumb questions by Katie Couric…
Hillary’s Cleavage and fashion statements…
Hillary Aging and not the Rush Limbaugh rant as you have to join his site to access that tape…
Hillary Tears…
Hillary Haters…
Hillary Nut Cracker…
Anti Hillary Merchandise…
Anti Hillary Gear…
Because of her high negatives its just open season to attack her not on her political stances (fair game) but on being a mature woman and a sad comment on who we are as a Nation that there is no national outrage over this.
There is plenty of outrage out there (i.e. Robin Morgan), it’s just that most people suck it up and move on.
There are plenty of anti-Obama slights and t-shits too.
How about the Obama/Osama references?
How about when the Clinton campaign (Bill Shaheen in NH)all but accused Barack of being a drug-dealer?
p>Of course it is open season on Hillary. It’s also open season on Barack, and it’s open season on McCain, and it’s open season on Huckleburry (see).
p>You know why?
p>It’s because they’re running for President.
p>If this is too much for you, then what are you going to do if she wins the nomination and the Repubs really start laying into her?
I wasn’t aware that a woman’s cleavage was one of the deciding factors on whether or not she has the qualification for running for President.
p>My bad.
You expressed Hillary should suck it up when the media made comments about her cleavage.
p>I think some things are off limits.
p>Instead of attacking her for that, the media should go after John McCain for answering the question of “How do we beat the bitch?” with “Excellent Question!”
p>Some things should be discussed, some shouldn’t. I think we’re all smart enough to know what’s valid and what’s not.
That’s why Hillary SHOULD suck it up and not care about what people say about her hair or clothes.
It’s time to elevate the conversation and to not let yourselves get worked up over petty cheap shots. Setting “limits” just invites people to push your buttons.
But in her defense I’d say that she has, in your words, sucked it up and handled it quite well. Not only has she suffered the slings and arrows of people behind her back but she has been asked (repeatedly) some of the stupidest questions one could imagine but answered respectfully to each one.
p>The one question I haven’t seen her asked is “How do you deal with all of these s**t stupid questions people keep asking you?” I’d love to see that one.
p>In short, just because someone made this post don’t put that on HRC.
I doubt you’ll still find this media process so clean and reasonable once it turns away from attacking the Clintons to attacking Obama. Although anti-Clinton is strong, it’s nothing compared to what we’ll see once Obama threatens the status of Punditry, Incorporated’s beloved “maverick”.
You did.
p>There are quite a few things people can complain about with Obama, but to suggest that Hillary would get off easier is just rediculous.
1) Maybe it really was just a typo.
p>2) What’s so far-fetched about accusing Obama of being a drug dealer. He was a drug buyer. And a drug user. Who’s to say if he did or did not sell the drugs he bought for himself to his friends?
As you say in the July 22nd, 2007 post on your blog:
p>Perhaps you should consider heeding your own advice and not throw around unsubstantiated claims like Obama’s a drug dealer? Fair enough?
it is repeated with regularity by many a rethug. i am happy to say that i have never heard a dem say it. yet i do hear many dems making misogynistic remarks about clinton, and numerous interviews with her have focused on appearance and questions of frigidity.
You must’ve missed this when it was all over the news (sorry, don’t know how to paste youtube directly in here.)
it wasn’t the first or the last time i’ve heard the slam used. just how many typos are there in casual conversations around the country? or on blogs where people make a point of using obama’s middle name thusly: “barack hussein osama”.
But I still feel like HRC is catching more BS than Obama. I also believe that those who are not going to vote for Obama because they see his middle name were probably not going to vote for him anyway (because of equally abhorrent reasons.)
The other day in class two of my honors level students approached my desk. One of them asked, “Barack Obama is Muslim, isn’t he?” His friend shook her head as if she’d been trying to tell him for some period of time that that wasn’t true. I helped her out.
p>It doesn’t take much for some people, either out of naivete or laziness, to seize on one of these viral campaigns.
being liked to a terrorist and being labled a dealer are a bit more serious than having your hair made fun of.
There was a denouncing of those tactics, and then people moved on.
You say: “There is plenty of outrage out there (i.e. Robin Morgan), it’s just that most people suck it up and move on.”
p>”Suck it up and Move on”…the new national mantra…
p>What if MLK had followed your advice?
What if Cesar Chavez had followed your advice?
What if Adams, Jefferson and Madison had been willing to suck it up and move on?
What if FDR had sucked it up and moved on?
p>Sorry, I’m for “don’t put up, speak up and move forward.”
p>Women are historically an easy target…in politics, in business, in the workplace and in homes…this year’s presidential campaign will go down in history as the most flagrant example of the gender double standard (most especially in the media)…not to recognize it and protest it when you see it so boldly displayed gives new meaning to “turning a blind eye”.
p>I sure hope Barack Obama does not subscribe to the “suck it up and move on” philosophy…because left unchecked, they will be coming for Michelle Obama next.
PS to JustinCredible:
If “Suck it up and Move on” does become our national mantra, you cannot take credit for creating it. Any woman over 40 can tell you that it has been around for longer than they have…
p>Throughout US History, it’s what they always have told women to do after they tell them:
You can’t own property.
You can’t own a business.
You can’t inherit money or property.
You can’t vote.
You can’t play sports.
You can’t be a doctor, lawyer, teacher or any other profession restricted to only men.(until men say you can)
You can’t have the promotion you were more qualified to get.
You can’t earn equal pay as a man in the same job.
You can’t go to college, only sons go to college.
You can’t be a CEO.
etc., etc., etc.
p>Suck it up and move on…an old but regrettably still familiar refrain…known to all women.
I can’t stand the way the media’s treated Sen. Clinton — particularly Chris Matthews. To be fair, though, there was an outcry, enough that Matthews was forced to apologize for it.
p>Not that it made any difference to his punditry since.
now matthews has had “a thrill up my leg” after listening to an obama speech. but he’s not partial or anything. oh noooo.
I thought that comment just meant that Matthews went back to his old ways after apologizing.
I think he has been unfair to Hillary throughout – using his platform to take cheap shots. He has not an ounce of integrity and should be off the air and I didn’t support Hillary and still don’t but think Matthews is a dick.
Matthews said Obama “seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament.”
p>His overblown praise analogizing Obama to Jesus is probably one reason the “cult” meme has spread about Obama’s campaign.
p>Matthews should not be on news tv.