The concept of a “Republic of Heaven” has been around since the 19th century, the idea that heaven is built of its members, not installed by a lord. Today, it’s probably best known through the His Dark Materials Trilogy. There is a small strain of this theology in Gnostic tradition as well.
p>I’ve never understood why Christian justice calls on us to spurn kingdoms in this life, only to grovel in them the next.
… for example. Who do we have to party with in Hell? Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, the list goes on… Who do you have in heaven? Elgar. Elgar??? You want to spend an eternity with Elgar???
p>This all from memory: As I recall he was debating with an angel about how it would suck if Heaven won the war between good and evil, and the subject of composers came up.
p>Could you have Neil Gaiman and Terry Practchett work the door if I come to your party? Or at least have them work the bar?
Lets take composers…. (0.00 / 0)
… for example. Who do we have to party with in Hell? Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, the list Liszt goes on…
Hilarious! I miss the nuttiness of Rudy, Mitt, et al, but hey, Huck Me!
“Most people know me as a football player, but I was also in social studies class.”
p>BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE! This one goes out to JoeTS.
“I have a passion for the way our government works, but I have a real passion for the way in which it effects the people in the 9th District, ’cause I’m one of those people.”
p>A Bushism wannabe?
I’m not sure he has either, but when he has, he’ll be sure to tell you about it. Apparently he was a football player, and is now running for congress in MO. He is a Republican.
how much I was just laughing.
…with your caucus out.
Regardless of denomination, from Loki to Christ, heaven has ALWAYS been a monarchy.
and there ain’t no king on that throne!
…is transitioning the monarchy to Head of State and implementing a presidency as Head of Government.
In The Golden Compass, etc.?
p>Me, I think heaven is an anarcho-syndicalist commune, where they take it in turns to be a sort of executive officer of the week…
Help! Help! I’m being repressed!
The concept of a “Republic of Heaven” has been around since the 19th century, the idea that heaven is built of its members, not installed by a lord. Today, it’s probably best known through the His Dark Materials Trilogy. There is a small strain of this theology in Gnostic tradition as well.
p>I’ve never understood why Christian justice calls on us to spurn kingdoms in this life, only to grovel in them the next.
lest ye burn in hell!
I don’t have enough to tithe to make up for my sins.
p>I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.
… for example. Who do we have to party with in Hell? Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, the list goes on… Who do you have in heaven? Elgar. Elgar??? You want to spend an eternity with Elgar???
Beethoven, Wagner and Mozart are your idea of a party?
p>I think there would be a lot of party-goers to consider after Hendrix, Hefner (eventually) and Monroe but before that trio.
… Also Mozart could drink Hendrix under the table.
We obviously have different priorities for a good party.
p>I wouldn’t start consideration with classical composers.
… was from a comment from a demon character in Good Omens by Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett.
p>This all from memory: As I recall he was debating with an angel about how it would suck if Heaven won the war between good and evil, and the subject of composers came up.
ok, my bad.
p>Could you have Neil Gaiman and Terry Practchett work the door if I come to your party? Or at least have them work the bar?
Hilarious! I miss the nuttiness of Rudy, Mitt, et al, but hey, Huck Me!
“Most people know me as a football player, but I was also in social studies class.”
p>BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE! This one goes out to JoeTS.
“I have a passion for the way our government works, but I have a real passion for the way in which it effects the people in the 9th District, ’cause I’m one of those people.”
p>A Bushism wannabe?
I’m not sure he has either, but when he has, he’ll be sure to tell you about it. Apparently he was a football player, and is now running for congress in MO. He is a Republican.