Carl Grivakis, Press Secretary
781 738 3259
February 1, 2008
The Boston Herald endorsed Sean Garballey, stating it is time for the next generation to be represented on Beacon Hill. See:…
The National Association of Government Employees [NAGE] with 22,000 workers in over 60 state agencies in Massachusetts has endorsed Sean Garballey. For more information about their endorsement, contact their executive office of communications at 617 984 5695.
The Arlington Advocate, the local paper for all of Arlington has endorsed two of the five candidates – AND one of the two candidates endorsed by the Arlington Advocate is Sean Garballey. The Arlington Advocate stated:
“Garballey, a current School Committee member and Town Meeting member, has also worked with Vision 2020 and with the Mystic River neighborhood Team on environmental issues. He has been in the political arena since he was 16 and in the past month, he has proven age is not a factor. He has risen to the occasion and launched an impressive campaign for state representative. He has shown leadership, experience and an ability to talk with the community to try and understand issues from the wide spectrum of the people who live in Arlington and Medford. And because of his humility and his compassion, he can easily relate to the people he could be representing. ”
For the rest of the editorial:…
It seems from a couple of the comments at the site that not everyone approves of the indecisive tone, but I like the balanced, tactful assessment of both Thielman and Garballey. Those who may be struggling to make a decision at this point will probably find that it articulates the differences in a way that will assist them in matching their votes to what they most value in a candidate.
This editorial makes as much sense as someone who obstructs your supermarket checkout line because they can’t decide between paper and plastic.
…is because I imagine it resulting from someone like you and someone like Amberpaw locked in a room together until the two of you agreed on the text of an endorsement in this race. The resulting synthesis (after you had completely worn each other down) probably would sound like milquetoast.
p>The editors could not agree with one another. They had to retain only those words that didn’t offend each other, never mind the audience. An alternative would have been to have two separate and contradictory endorsements. The only third option would have been to bring in a tie-breaking person.
p>I am voting for Jeff Thielman (in fact, I’m listed in his people collection). But that doesn’t mean I must have no appreciation for the viewpoints of those who are supporting the young fellow. A nuanced stance is often more believable and therefore more compelling.
We were locked in the same room together this morning at the Arlington caucus.
p>We were both supporting the same candidate until last week, when Edwards left the race. Once the primaries are over, we will be together again.
p>As for the Advocate, I don’t think it was a high point in local journalism. Come on, let’s take a stand! Choose something! You can’t go into the restaurant and eat two dinners, and you can’t vote twice!
p>NOTE: Thielman backs the school department decision to dismiss Coughlin, Garballey supports Coughlin and voted not to renew the superintendent’s contract.
Here are the supporters from the website:
p>Y’know, candidates accept all votes and sign holders. What is with your smear campaign?
The guy is standing in front of Arlington Town Hall holding a Garballey sign! He was at the Medford candidate’s night, too!
p>Maybe you don’t advertise it on the website, but he’s right there! If that’s not an endorsement, I don’t know what is!
…it is a free country. Anyone can hold a sign. There were about 30 Garballey sign holders, by the way.
p>Anyone can vote.
p>Anyone can post in a blog – even you – or take a picture, like Pablo/Paul and post it.
I don’t know what you’re complaining about.
You know I was there both times, and saw you there with your digital camera…as well as the plethora of sign holders for both candidates. All about choice, isn’t it?
Frankly, Deb, the news that you support Garballey isn’t exactly news.
p>Chuck Coughlin, however, is news. Like it or not, Chuck holding a sign in front of town hall is a highly newsworthy event, considering the impact he has had on the town, the school committee’s involvement in Chuck’s situation, and the fact that Chuck lives well outside the district.
Garballey should kiss his campaign goodby now that Nage/seiu has endorsed him. This is one of the most corrupt unions in mass. It knows how to pick a winner, Reilly, M. Callahan, K.Donnelley just to name a few 2nd and 3rd place finishers. I work with a lot of nage members who tell horror stories about the thier union: 4,000 members voting to leave nage to go to another union in the past few years, phone calls that don’t get returned, a president (Dave Holloway, former beacon hill lobbiest) making $300,000/year off the dues of state worker secretaries wallowing in poverty. Garballey, or the people running his campaign, should know better then to promote a nage endorsement.
Phil West
Never mind what Rudy said about the New York Times endorsement… what progressive in his right mind would pay any attention to a Boston Herald endorsement?
Hint – everyone gets to vote. And I don’t consider that I fit into any “neat little box” and there are more “regular people” out there voting then progressives {whatever the official litmus test is to qualify for that label as far as you are concerned}.
but I’m sure you already knew that.
p>You can huff and puff all you want but you still won’t make Sean Garballey qualified!
They can vote for Mitt or McCain or Huckabee in the Republican primary.
If Garballey wins the primary, just wait four weeks for the Worden endorsement.
Just so you know, your Sunday, Feb 03, 2008 post is incomprehensible. Was it a typo, series of typos, or what?