Sounds like the potential to voice an opinion on matters outside of “prefered choice of rhetorical styles” is reaching reality …
Now if only they would let this man join the debate ….
(Snip from Email)
Ralph Nader will be on NBC’s Meet the Press with Tim Russert this Sunday, February 24, 2008.
As you know, we’ve been exploring the possibilities in recent weeks.
And here’s one question that keeps coming up:
What’s been pulled off the table by the corporatized political machines in this momentous election year?
Cutting the huge, bloated and wasteful military budget, adopting a single payer Canadian-style national health insurance system, impeaching Bush/Cheney, opposing nuclear power – among many others.
Who will pick up these issues and put them back on the table?
Hope you get a chance to tune in to watch Ralph Nader this Sunday on Meet the Press.
Please tell your friends and family.
And thank you for your ongoing and generous support.
The Nader Team
I hear Obama and McCain debate- just once!- who best represents the Reagan legacy.…
p>Just in time for S 1959, the you are a terrorist bill!
I’ll see your Nader debate and raise you one martial law false flag event.
No thanks, Ralph. I sincerely hope you don’t run. After eight years of George W. Bush, I doubt people will be as gullible this time around as to think that there is no real difference between Republicans and Democrats in office.
.. the Majority of Voters in a liberal Democratic Boca Raton Precinct dominated by elderly Jewish residents that some how ended up voting for Uber Christian Pat Bucanan (ah yes and the other was that pesky Supreme court decision) not to mention the most common comment after seeing an Inconvenient Truth was ” Why didn’t that Al Gore run for president?” (who by the way did win the popular vote).
p>Nader should sit it out but let’s stop the revisionist history on why Bush won in 2000 just because we want some justification for being stuck with the worst president in our history.
p>The truth is in 2000 and 2004 the Democrats had mediocre campaigns.
95,000+ voters in Florida who believed Nader’s claim that there was no difference between Democrats and Republicans, between Gore and Bush.
p>Gore lost Florida by 537 certified votes.
p>There is the claim that it is unreasonable to assume that all the people who voted for Nader in 2000 would have opted for Gore. Fair enough. But would it be fair to believe that 538 voters who voted for Nader would have voted for Gore had Nader not been in the race? Anecdotal evidence is available in the 2004 Presidential election when Nader’s Florida vote total dropped 60,000+ votes to 32,971.
… because he listened to his handlers, stopped being the stellar guy he really is and became a lousy candidate. One of the things Nader states is a problem with elections and that’s what lost the race.
that George Bush won the race, we disagree about why.
That one is useless and not even entertaining. I’d rather vote for Jimmy Tingle if I were registered in MA…since I’m currently residing in a swing state, I’ll be voting the Democrat, because it does make a difference.
And the longer you keep saying that, the more that data collection firms are telling the DNC that the difference can continue to get SMALLER and smaller .. They can count on your support no matter what it is that they actualy do …
I wouldnt doubt that there are some tracking cookies attached to this web site to aid in the preparation of the next “succesful” democratic strategy .. Deval light with a touch of Camelot and a side helping of great society …
Life is all about data mining and public perceptiopn isnt it? No need for substance with those ground rules in place.
Should we watch Biggest Loser or American Idol to see if fat stupid people prefer to watch fat or stupid?
Ralph Nader IMO is a democrats Democrat. He still hammers away at those issues we identify democrats with.
The fact that no democrat touches these same issues says plenty.
Ten years later and some fools are still whining about a few thousand votes in Florida … cause it wasnt ever about us winning, it is only about us when us is them, democrats, even though its been a long time since they gave a crap about us. Politics as a team sport .. Even though “OUR” team wouldnt pause to spit on you if you were on fire … ah well …
through “advisors”.…
“a single payer Canadian-style national health insurance system”
Has this man actually spoken to living Canadians? They don’t like their health care system.
p>A German-style system, now that’s something to aim for…