The inquiring minds at Fox25 have asked us the question, “What's the real reason Romney quit the race?”
A: Because he couldn't win?
I don't know, maybe it was more complicated than that. Oh yeah, he was afraid of losing to terrorists, or something. Why didn't Fox include that?
Please share widely!
the cost:benefit ratio had sunk below acceptable. romney did what all good $oliders of fortunes would do in present circumstances, he cut his losses and is trying to leverage the remains into a new business venture (political appointment).
Generally I suspect that Romney’s flip-flopping can be seen as more of an attempt to find the right “deal” on the issues to “close the sale”.
All he wanted was a medal.
p> – Dan
Huckabee was the spoiler. Now McCain has to trash Huckabee and further antagonize the evangelical crowd. As long as McCain had Romney, he had a foil. Now he is bareass. What is he going to do now? He hasn’t a challenger. If he trashes Clinton or Obama he will be tarred as sexist or racist. He’s got himself in a fix. The only thing he can do is go after the democratic left wing and hope he makes headway. I don’t think that will mean much at this point in the game. And if he explodes during a debate, which I am convinced he will, his entire candidacy is immediately doomed.
p>O perfidious Hexagon!
p>Who can save us now?