Boston’s own right wing station WTKK now features a “blog” of their “popular” talk show host Jay Sevrin. Now it strikes me a odd people will call him on the radio yet make zero comments on his “blog”.
“Communication” I thought was a two-way process. A one-way process would normally be termed propaganda.…
Please share widely!
You got that right! Propaganda all the way to the bank…with payoff in ad revenue and more…
p>Makes me think of the so-called “Commonhealth Blog” over at NPR/wbur’s website. It’s ostensibly a dialog about MA health reform but the comments and questions are ignored. The MA BCBS website states that the journalist who’s in charge of this wbur “blog” is now a “Health Care Fellow” at the MA Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation.
p>Another example would be “A Healthy Blog” over at MA Health Care For All. The irony is inescapable: they themselves call it “The Ultimate Massachusetts Health Care Insider Information”.
p>Insider is right.
Rest assured I shall pay them a visit and smite them all with truth about health care “reform”.
I have seen two way comments on both Commonhealth and A Healthy Blog. I have seen your comments many times on both.
since I have never been to either of these health sites.
If it’s only one-way with info being pumped out to the audience/readers, or if it’s one-way with a rare instance of back-and-forth two-way dialog, then I firmly believe it’s fair to describe that “blog” as being more of a P.R. tool.
p>DaveS, were you referring to my comments? If so, it’s the rare instance that any of my (or other people’s) sincere and earnest questions that are posed on the 2 afore-mentioned blogs have been answered by the author of the original post (especially on wbur Commonhealth).
For some reason on Jayblog the comment section is still visible/clickable but when you put in a comment it doesn’t show up. On the other two blogs by the station there isn’t even the comment section.