UPDATE5: A wider shot (wider stance?) from my own cellphone is posted two entries above this one. A gentleman just wandered in, expecting to use the facilities, and looked very startled to see three dozen reporters typing away on their laptops.
Kagro X on DailyKos has some very amusing commentary:
Is there anything the political press corps won’t roll over for?
They served them food in there. And they ate!
We complain a lot about the lapdog press in this country, but this takes the fucking urinal cake.
And I can appreciate the fact that these people have to file on pain of losing their jobs, but seriously. Would you sit in there? Would you eat in there? Would you ask anyone else to?
And this is Texas. There’s no goddamn room in Big Ass Texas for a couple tables except in the frigging men’s room? They should have made them sit on the actual toilets, just to see if they’d do it.
Oh, and here’s some Alpo for you, too, Mr. Respected National Political Reporter! And you’d better eat it, or you’ll lose “access.”
This may be the most depressing thing I’ve ever seen involving people in business attire.
And this is where we get our “news,” America.
Amusing from many angles.
rushing streams of water, fine porcelin, superb resonance… i bet they even have a gatorade machine.
They would clean it for him.
I see some benefits to the location. Let’s face it the Clinton campaign in flush with expectation. The stream of news from today will gush forth no matter where the press is filing from.
p>This is yellow journalism at it’s best.
Very impressive indeed.
they’re now a communication facility with special amenities, no longer “facilities”.
p>my boss never provided my office with air freshener cakes…. / moping /
though according to the WSJ report, they scrambled quickly for the seats at the greatest distance from the urinals!
Those idiots in Hillary’s campaign think that you should be spending money talking with and reaching out to voters, while others know that it should blown on nice treatment for reporters.
Speaking of what the Hillary campaign is spending her money on:
p>That’s 35 years of Experience right there Baby!
Your authority is Joe Scarborough. What, was Matt Drudge unavailable?
What part of Mark Penn billing Hillary $10 Million bucks (while claiming that he’s not running the show), would you like to contest? Is he not billing her? Are those not his quotes?
p>And have you ever heard what $10 Million dollars of shitty DLC triangulation sounds like? There’s a recording right here.
BTW, Penn is also CEO of DC lobbying/PR outfit Burson-Marsteller, alongside McCain’s top adviser Charlie Black, who is Chairman. Their clients include paragons of integrity like Blackwater.
Gotta pay the bills.
I said something mean about Mark Penn.
Is any of it untrue? Show me where.
p>He’s at the center of K-Street lobbying efforts, and represents everything that’s wrong with our political system, and the DLC in particular.
p>Coming into this process, Hillary had a huge advantage in money, party elder support and organization (and was the presumptive nominee), but a funny thing happened on the way to the coronation.
If she loses either the nomination or the general, Mark Penn will get a well deserved boot in the ass, then he’ll get back to work with Charlie Black lobbying the McCain administration for more deregulation.
p>I realize that it’s easier for you to down rate my comments than it is to back up any of your own bullshit, but that doesn’t change anything about Penn, or Hillarys campaign.
p>Maybe if you try harder you can magically turn Penn into something other than what he is.
This is clearly an extension of the bash-the-press strategy, which seems to have worked well so far.
She all ready know she is in the deep shit .
What is even more pathetic is that the press went along with the program. You often wonder how far they can push people. Apparently HRC hasn’t pushed them far enough.
Where it belongs!