This email from now-resigned member of Obama’s LGBT Leadership Council, Maxim Thorne. Funny how this guy holds two degrees from Yale and is an accomplished public servant.
From: Maxim Thorne
Sent: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 8:46 pm
Subject: Clinton lies and sleaze
Hillary Clinton is a disaster for the democratic party. Now she prefers McCain to Obama. Now we know it was SHE who told the Canadian government that her railings against NAFTA were political posturing. It was not Barack’s campaign!
We cannot tolerate her lies and stolen election.
Time for all of us democratics to wake up to this disgusting turn. As democratics this should affirm the end of her campaign.
At 3am, Hillary said she and Bill were in bed and she knows of all the calls a President gets at different times of the day and night. Really? So much involvement – so much togetherness. Where was she when Monica was having sex with Bill? 35 years of experience? When he was intimidating Katherine Wiley and Paula Jones? Where was the judgment on the cattle futures and white water. Do we forget Mark and Denise Rich? This was an impeached President who lost his licence to practice law. He committed perjury. They settled with Paula Jones for the full amount of her lawsuit. I haven’t forgotten and none of us should.
I remember the scandal when the Clintons’ bags were searched when they left the White House and they had to return historic artifacts and gifts.
When Bin Laden was building Al Qaeda, Bill and she were fighting impeachment, fighting Paula Jones, fighting Katherine Wiley.
Please, we are going down a nasty road with a nasty, secretive and proven lying Clinton. We should all want to see her tax returns, I want to see her White House emails. Let really send this candidate what she deserves: the spotlight on her vetting. She says she’s been vetted. Partly true and it’s not pretty what came out.
What still has to be vetted are her tax returns, her White House performance (we already know her disasterous failure on healthcare), her WH emails, the donations to the Clinton Foundation and library etc.
Time to moveon again. Obama is the only credible candidate who can move on beyond this continuing nasty dynasty of Clinton and Bushes.
i thought the proper terms was “democraticals”, but what do i know?
p>as i understand it obama quickly distanced himself from this guy, and today they released a list of LGBT supporters exclusively to have to tell you, obama campaign, but sending a press release to a single website does NOT impress this lebeeshun.
but did a google search and found out that it might be used as a hyper-correction of the Right’s ‘Democrat’ Party linguistic assault.
if thorne had already decided to resign, and decided to deliberately embarrass the obama campaign on his way out. just a thought. if true, it makes me wonder what the obama campaign did to so royally piss off a member of the lgbt council. after all, farnkoff recently burned his bridges. is there something in the air?
i think it’s messing with our precious bodily fluids. Either that, or it’s something in the burgers…
I’m paging through his official blog, and while decidedly anti-Clinton (he again mentions the former President’s ‘Sleazy behavior’), his arguments are much more coherent.
p>My guess is that he was pretty hammered when he wrote this email.