Assistance from the staunch Hillary supporters here at BMG is appreciated, since you’ve been such stalwart foot soldiers in the top down campaign to reinstall Clintonism to it’s rightful place. Input and suggestions are encouraged. Any transgressions against Clintonism, no matter how small, should be documented.
This list will also serve a second, and arguably more important purpose. In the unlikely event that Hillary wins the nomination, but loses the general election to her good friend John McCain, blame will need to be assigned. The ECL will then become a useful starting point for the greater Purge to follow. Final determinations and penalties will be made by Hillary campaign consultants, Burson-Marsteller.
The Enemies of Clintonism List (ECL) first draft:
Politicians & their kin
Patrick Leahy, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Russ Feingold, Chris Dodd, Tom Daschle, Bill Bradley, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Joe Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, Ethel Kennedy, Max Kennedy, Rory Kennedy, Maria Shriver, other Kennedys, Deval Patrick, Jamie Eldridge, Bob Casey
Former Clintonistas, insiders
Bill Richardson, Robert Reich (who will be airbrushed out of any photos), David Wilhelm, Anthony Lake, Greg Craig, Susan E. Rice, Gayle Smith, William M. Daley, Kathleen Callahan, Ivo Daalder, Zbigniew Brzezinski
Kos, Digby, Talking Points Memo, BMG, Huffington Post
Media types
Keith Olberman, David Sirota, Bill Maher, Rachel Maddow, Randi Rhodes, Ed Schulz, Oprah Winfrey, Jay Marvin, Nicholas Kristof, Andrew Sullivan
Dead tree haters
Boston Globe, Philadelphia Inquirer, Dallas Morning News, LA Times, Baltimore Sun, Cleveland Plain – Dealer, Sacramento Bee, Arizona Republic, St Louis Post – Dispatch, Atlanta Journal – Constitution, Boston Phoenix
Artists, performers, haters
Macy Gray, Wyclef Jean, Connor Oborst, Jeff Tweedy, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, George Clooney, Larry David, Robert DeNiro, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Halle Berry, Chris Rock, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Sinbad, Iggy Pop
Writers, haters
Dave Eggers, Barbara Ehrenreich, Garrison Keillor, Stephen King, Tobias Wolff,
Alice Walker, Toni Morrisson, Seth Grahame-Smith
Intelligentsia, latte drinkers & miscellaneous haters
Laurence Tribe, Kevin Phillips, J. Bradford DeLong, Lawrence Lessig, Paul Volcker, Norman Mineta, Esther Brimmer, Will Wynn, George Soros, Marc Andreessen, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, Joan Baez, Rev. Joseph Lowery, Naomi Wolf, Kate Michelman, Michael Ratner, Robert Kuttner, Nobel Prize winner Lord David Trimble,Tripp Jones
Thank you BMG for your support!
Very funny. Loved the picture. You know you are going to get blasted (!), but it’s really quite clever and devilishly creative, and I admire your effort and your eggs.
you are very kind. The redemption of Clintonism will not be easy, so we must all do our little bit.
“That Don’t Impress Me Much” (Apologies to Shania)
p>I’ve known a few guys who thought they were pretty smart
But you’ve got selling Hope right down to an art
The press thinks you’re a savior-and you nearly walk on water
Republicans can’t wait, ’cause they think you’re cannon fodder!
Oh-oo-oh, you think you’re special
Oh-oo-oh, you think you’re something else
p>Okay, so you’re a member of Congress.
That don’t impress me much
Sure you’ve won some votes, but can you deliver in a clutch?
Don’t get me wrong, yeah I think you’re alright
But that won’t “answer the phone” in the middle of the night
That don’t impress me much
p>I never knew a guy who had the press in his pocket
And a writer up his sleeve-just in case
The papers hardly noticed that Rezko’s case is on the docket
‘Cause Heaven forbid it should effect your race.
p>Oh-oo-oh, you think you’re special
Oh-oo-oh, you think you’re something else
p>Okay, so you’re running for president
That don’t impress me much
Sure you’ve got the elite but lost the “common” touch
Don’t get me wrong, yeah I think you’re alright
But that won’t “answer the phone” in the middle of the night
That don’t impress me much
p>You’re one of those guys who likes to give big speeches
You pack em in like sardines and swoonin’ in the bleachahs
I can’t believe it took the press so long to get it
You gotta wish Samantha Powers never said it…
p>Oh-oo-oh, you think you’re special
Oh-oo-oh, you think you’re something else
p>Okay, so you’ve gotten pretty far
That don’t impress me much
The primary’s yours to lose, but have you got the touch
Don’t get me wrong, yeah I think you’re alright
But that won’t keep the Indies from bolting in the night
p>That don’t impress me much
You may be a “uniter,” but aren’t you out of touch?
Don’t get me wrong, yeah I think you’re okay
But you’ll have to come up with more to get to Election Day
That don’t impress me much
p>Okay, so what do you think you’re JKF or something…
Oo-Oh-Oh That don’t impress me much!
And you get extra credit for this effort!
p>Ah, were that I could be as clever and creative as you and Mojoman.
p>I bow low to my betters.
which are the core of the Clinton support structure.
Without those who believe the negativity and fear because it comes from a common name, you woudn’t have a cause to champion anymore.
They deserve more credit.
So you compiled a list of people who are not enthused about a Hillary candidacy, and decided that they must be “enemies of Hillary”?
p>I realize that Camp Obama is desperately trying to make as many “enemies of Hillary” as it can invent, but this doesn’t even meet his standards.
but proving it nevertheless. It’s not a question of whether or not someone on the list is in fact an enemy of Clintonism. The important thing is to be able to dismiss any criticism against Hillary, because they come from someone who is labeled a Hillary hater. Once it’s been dismissed, the validity of the argument against Clintonism doesn’t matter.
p>Case in point: Geraldine Ferraro.
She is a master of the technique. Old school.
First Ferraro repeatedly smeared Obama over several weeks. She tied her smears to the larger campaign theme of Obama is a Muslim, the new Jessie Jackson, he only got where he is because he’s black, etc. A very basic Atwater/Rove/Penn GOP dog whistle smear.
Media attention ensued.
Ferraro first said that she wasn’t on the campaign (and couldn’t be fired), but eventually resigned, claiming victimhood for herself as a white female! By offering herself up as a martyr for Clintonism, she dismissed Hillary critics as racists. She doubled down by saying that Obama should apologize to her, and that she merely said what the GOP eventually would. Perfectly played. That’s how it’s done. Dismiss the criticism by claiming that it comes from haters/enemies.
p>So let’s dispense with the niceties, and get with the giving up some names of those whose arguments we can dismiss as haters. You’ve been helpful in the past, so I’m counting on you now. When that 3AM phone call comes, who do YOU want answering it, some black Muslim guy?
Obama’s people have that same eagerness to rail against anybody who looks askance at him. Millions have turned viciously on Bill Clinton, Geraldine Ferraro, Tavis Smiley, and Michael Nutter for not imbibing in the Potion of Hope.
p>Since Hillary has more experience and familiarity with the figures of the Democratic Party, many of her supporters are stalwarts from older battles. People who once supported and lauded those stalwarts have now thrown out their accomplishments with yesterday’s trash because they don’t support Obama.
p>You’re welcome to pretend that this primary bitterness is strictly one way if it makes you feel superior, but I have to disagree with you on that. The campaigners are ugly, the supporters uglier, the online supporters ugliest of all. On both sides. Rep. Peter DeFazio is right on this.
It really is something isn’t it? Terrible. I couldn’t believe the things that they said about Ferraro. Obama really should have apologized to her. Between me and you, I was reading over at Taylor Marsh today about how Obama has slaveholders on both sides of his family tree. The white side & the Arab side back in Kenya. As far as we know. It’s too bad. He couldn’t have won anyway.
p>OK. So I’ll give you a couple of names, and you tell me if they should be on the list or not.
p>Joe Scarborough?
Last week I had Joe ready to go, after the way that you dismissed him, he seemed like a real Hillary hater. Funny thing though, the very next day Hillary appeared on Joes TV show, and she even joked about making him her VP choice. He turned her down. I’m torn. But maybe if he shows up in an argument against her based on Iraq or something, we can toss him onto the list? Your call.
p>Andrew Sullivan?
Now there’s a hater. He definitely belongs on the list. In fact I’ll add him right now, unless you think that there’s a chance he might say something that could be interpreted as a positive for Hillary. Nah.
p>There are so many that could be added. I’m thinking about starting another category with athletes. Or maybe Muslim athletes. You’re a sports guy right? Who’s gonna be Obama’s Schilling? If the Celtics had a Muslim guy we could get his ass on the list pronto. I really appreciate the help!
Scarborough’s a jerk, and Sullivan isn’t much better. Rev. Wright is a loser and Jesse Jackson III doesn’t seem much better, plus all of Obama’s family should probably avoid the media for the next eight months. Lots of people say stupid stuff, and candidates make stupid decisions. You can keep showing one side of a two-sided reality as I said, but it doesn’t give more weight to anything you’re saying.
Thanks for the very artistic post, but there are a few missing categories:
p>Former Clintonistas thrown under a bus by the Clintons:
Lani Guinier
p>Former Clinton aides triangulated into oblivion (because you can neve give too little cash assistance to poor children if it may help revive your political fortunes)
Mary Jo Bane and Peter Edelman
p>Honorable mention for legendary Edelman, Marian Wright Edelman who showed remarkable class by declining to oppose Clinton’s White House run
p>Lowly elected officials pushed aside to make room for the Clintons:
Or at least those the Clintons want to push aside
p>Honorable mention for
Nita Lowey who supports HRC
p>(because the New York Senate seat belonged to Hillary Clinton, and Nita Lowey lacked experience and a background in New York because she was only born in the Bronx and has only served in Congress since 2008)
p>And on a serious note best wishes to Nita Lowey for a speedy and complete recovery.
ideas here that could be helpful. That ungrateful pair Lani Gaunier & Marian Wright Edelman are both dangerous, because they’re former Clintonistas, women, black. Hmmm.
Maybe the category can be:
“Black women who hate blacks & Hillary”. “As far as we know” Obama is not a Muslim, but there is the whole slave owner/trader meme that’s on the campaign radar. If those two start yapping and bad mouthing Hillary, they’ll have their own little category.
p>Please don’t be bitter about Hillary carpetbagging in NY. If you recall, she paved the way for the tremendous gains that were made in health care during her 45 years of leadership. The least that you can do is appreciate her, if not honor her.
p>As for the artistic merit of the post, well, a friend of mine thinks he knows how to use Photoshop, so I humor him. I asked him to make something up for me and I told him that Mark Penn was a big fan of Lee Atwater and Stalin so he surprised me.