Clinton candidates, by CD and sex:
1 M Arce, Oscar
1 M Bosley, Daniel
1 M Dobelle, Harry
1 M Fleming, James
1 M Herrick, Thomas
1 M Massimiano Jr, Carmen
1 M Radock, Chad
1 M Robinson, Shawn
1 M Thompson, Christopher
1 M Werman, Michael
1 F Cariddi, Gailanne
1 F Dobelle, Edith
1 F Marcus, Patricia
1 F Mazzeo, Melissa
1 F O’Brien, Nora
1 F Werman, Lauren
2 F Cokkinias, Mary Gail
2 F Early Lopes, Candice
2 F Jeffery, Arnell
2 F Jeffery, Sophia
2 F Kimball Stack, Cherie
2 F Kimball, Irene
2 M Agnew, Ryan
2 M Drungo Jr, Melvin
2 M McCaffrey, John
2 M Rines, Jonathan B.
2 M Tosado, Jose
2 M Vazquez, John
3 F Chandler, Harriette
3 F Chisholm, Barbera
3 F Donahue, Kathleen
3 F Goldman, Roberta
3 F Goodrich, Doreen
3 F Spilka, Karen
3 M Augustus Jr, Edward
3 M Carlson, Joseph
3 M Goodrich, Howard
3 M Loitherstein, Joel
3 M Naughton Jr, Harold
3 M O’Brien, Joseph
3 M Pacheco, Matthew
3 M Palitsch, Jason
3 M Simpson, Kimball
4 F Balser, Ruth B.
4 F Cabral, Ida
4 F Eleazer, Angela
4 F Goldberg, Deborah
4 F Khan, Kay
4 F Khan, Renee
4 F Jackson, Martina
4 F Pines, Lois G.
4 F Rizzo, Sally
4 F Sharma, Neerja
4 F Turesky, Melissa
4 M Concannon, Thomas
4 M Kaplan, Joseph H.
4 M Khan, Alexander
4 M Khan, Nasir
4 M Liao, Sam
4 M Pacheco, Marc
5 F Dwyer, Cathy
5 F Healy, Kathleen
5 F Kirwin-Keilty, Patricia
5 M Baddour, Steven A.
5 M Demers, Robert
5 M Kerrigan, Stephen
5 M Lantigua, William
5 M Lau, Roger
5 M LeBlanc, Robert
5 M Lemay, Curtis
5 M Lenos, Daniel
5 M Lopez, Larry Anthony
5 M McCarthy, Patrick
5 M Martello, Benjamin
5 M Misserville, Stephen
5 M Poulten, Samuel
6 F DeFranco, Marisa
6 F De Steuben, Karla
6 F Driscoll, Kimberley
6 F Grimes, Patricia B.
6 F Hazel, Marilyn
6 F Herlihy, Ellen
6 F Melvin, Patricia
6 F Minot, Fannie
6 F Ricko, Agnes
6 F Sweeney , Marcia L.
6 M Blodgett, Jonathan W.
6 M Brownridge, J. Paul
6 M Northcutt, Mickey
6 M Powell, Arthur
6 M Slepoy, Stanley
7 F Allan, Deborah
7 F Allan, Virginia
7 F Burstein, Susan
7 F Deal, Patricia
7 F Donovan, Carol
7 F Madden, Carole
7 F Maizlish, Rivka
7 F Shaer, Susan
7 F Shulman, Norma
7 F Thomson, Jennifer
7 F Thomson, Susan
7 M Fernandes, Arthur
7 M Gosnell, Thomas J.
7 M Lacey, Steven
7 M Lawless III, Joseph
7 M Lucey, Edwin
7 M Sohl, Daniel
7 M Thomson Sr, William
7 M Thomson Jr, William
8 F Aloisi, Carol
8 F Buonaugurio, Maria
8 F Chang, Katherine
8 F Curry, Lorraine
8 F Edmondson, Rebecca
8 F Haag, Rebecca
8 F Harris , Bettye
8 F Mendoza, Marie
8 F Pena, Merlin
8 F Philips, Lesley
8 F Shah, Deborah
8 F Spinelli, Jozy
8 F Wolf, Alice
8 M Barrios, Jarrett
8 M Elisa, Louis
8 M Glick, Charles
8 M Hartman, Shawn
8 M Kelly, John
8 M Smith, Jerome
9 F Armstrong, Patricia
9 F Harkin, Lida
9 F Malone, Patricia
9 F Manson, Kathleen
9 F Mastriano, Julaine
9 F Pacheco, Carol
9 F Payne, Karen
9 M Doherty, Edward
9 M Roosevelt, John
9 M Soto, Ramon
9 M Sullivan, Paul
9 M Walsh, Martin
9 M Wang, David
10 F Berger, Bonnie
10 F Broadford, Linda
10 F Coughlin, Janet
10 F Dallaire, Samantha
10 F Gardner, Alicia
10 F McMorris, Roseanne
10 F Mulcahy, Sheila
10 F Mullin, Monica
10 F Tassinari, Laura
10 M Bracken, Mark
10 M Brennan, Peter
10 M Driscoll, Stephen
10 M Mackey, Philip
10 M Morgan, David
10 M Morrissey, Michael
10 M Orlando, Francis
Obama candidates, by CD and sex
1 F Buckner, Carrie
1 F Byrne, Hira
1 F Hill, Norma
1 F O’Grady, Molly
1 F Momtsios, Natalia
1 F Puleo, Elaine
1 F Stenberg, Nancy
1 F Tripp, Elise
1 M Barron, Matt
1 M Bradley, William
1 M Hill, Warren
1 M Lesser, Thomas
1 M Paolillo, Len
1 M Pitts III, James
1 M Reynolds, Edward
1 M Schwartz, Benjamin
2 F Baskin, Lisa
2 F Berkowicz, Carol
2 F Cardona-Badiab, Elizabeth
2 F Draper, Katharine
2 F Glazer, Candy
2 F Lebron-Martinez, Gladys
2 M Allen Jr, Henry
2 M Hildalgo, Thomas
2 M Letendre, Scott
2 M Twiggs, E. Henry
3 F Bergenholtz, Marianne
3 F Blache, Erin
3 F Kappes, Karen
3 M Dooling, Bill
3 M Giorgio, Paul
3 M Rushton, Frederick
3 M Shaikh, Rashid
4 F Bailey, Blair
4 F Brathwaite, Brenda
4 F Gallagher, Linda
4 F Gorin, Amy
4 F Schlesinger, Thaleia Tsongas
4 F Vogel, Miriam
4 F Yancey, Christine
4 M Brathwaite II, Leon
4 M Butler, Brian
4 M Darr, Joshua
4 M Gorin, Norman
4 M Gould, Jonthan
4 M Homer, Ronald
4 M Kerry, Cameron
4 M Lang, Scott
4 M Linsky, Stephen
4 M Rabinovitz, Daniel
4 M Stoddard, Leroy
4 M Wechter, John
4 M White, Barry
4 M Whittet, Jason
5 F Compton, Sarah
5 F Gefter, Martha
5 F Hinojos, Monica
5 F Morrison, Faye
5 F Squires, Wilda
5 M Aman, Nurul
5 M Bell, George
5 M Buck, Alexander
5 M Eldridge, James
5 M Golder, Leonard
5 M Payano, Pavel
6 F Billows, Linda
6 F Corbett, Donna
6 F Grandberry, Gina
6 F Harris, Morgan
6 F Oliver, Maureen
6 F Rutter, Marianne
6 F Walker, Teresa
6 F Zander, Heidi
6 M Rall, David
6 M Slate Jr, D. Wesley
6 M Tinti, William
6 M Viegas, Stephen
6 M Wheeler, Michael Allen
6 M Zora, Alexander
7 F Adams, Melody
7 F Ashton, Cathaleen
7 F Cremens, J.Elizabeth
7 F Falkoff, Susan
7 F Hall, Kathleen
7 F Weniger, Barbara
7 F Whittaker, Kim
7 M Ashton, Russell
7 M Barbera, Thomas
7 M Colt, Robert
7 M Conroy, Sean
7 M Denham, Michael
7 M Gerlach-Brown, Rex
7 M Linsky, David
7 M Messac, Reginalde
7 M Poindexter, Melvin
8 F Alvarez-Negretti, Giovanna
8 F Arena, Laura
8 F Aviel, Sara
8 F Banks, Hannah
8 F Fox, Gloria
8 F Holtzworth, Anne
8 F Jones, Dorothea
8 F Keville, Dorothy
8 F Meade, Ayanna
8 F Pratt, Tracey
8 F Sweeney, Vanessa
8 F Taylor, April
8 F Troncoso, Magalis
8 F Yarde, Angela
8 M Alves, Eric
8 M Brinning, James
8 M Buckley, Matthew
8 M Corr, Brian
8 M Jones, Aaron
8 M Goodman, Mark
8 M McAvinney, William
8 M Mirza, Mushtaque
8 M Ortiz, David
8 M Owens, Roy
8 M Riley, Sean
8 M Ross, Michael
8 M Schwartz, Brian
8 M Sokolove, David
8 M Torgersen, Ernest
8 M Venay, Marvin
8 M Yancey, Charles
8 M Zondervan, Quinton
9 F Camargo, Ana
9 F Forry, Linda Dorcena
9 F Keating, Brandyn
9 F Hennigan, Maura
9 F Isenberg, Alice Jelin
9 F Thomas, Holly
9 M Branson, Richard
9 M McDermott, Wm.Shaw
9 M Sherman, Robert
9 M Thomas, John
9 M Wilson, Wayne
10 F Doran, Marissa
10 F McManus, Kathryn
10 F Singletary, Kathleen
10 M Doggett, John
10 M Elman, Raymond
10 M Johnston, Philip
10 M McDermott, Patrick
10 M Turkington, Eric
howardjp says
And thanks to the DSC as well ..
p>Looks like there are a few districts where there could be a contest, then again, these things often get negotiated out beforehand (“we’ll put you on Rules/we’ll support you for an at-large seat/you can be a runner for the delegation, etc). In both camps, there are already “unity” slates forming, particularly in districts where the candidate was victorious (Obama in the 8th; Clinton in the 9th, for example).
patricka says
Essex DA Jon Blodgett sent an e-mail to his list, which I’m on.
p>Mike Wheeler visited the Gloucester Democratic City Committee meeting to speak on behalf of his candidacy, and Agnes Ricko was planning on it as well but something came up.
p>Four years ago, I saw a lot of stuff. Not so far this year.
elfpix says
Could somebody explain to me how this works? I’ve never been willing to get embroiled in my local Cape democratic committee, although I do get an email newsletter. I’ve never registered anything but unenrolled, either.
p>So I don’t understand what this list means, except that my lawyer is on the Obama list and I want to send him a laudatory email.
p>Can someone explain?
patricka says
The details are here:…
p>The voters in the Democratic presidential primary voted for Clinton and Obama, and as a result each campaign was allocated delegates to the national convention in Denver. Now we have to determine who the delegates are.
p>Based on a formula, 61 delegates have been allocated by congressional district and candidate, and further broken down by sex. For example, my district, the 6th, will elect 2 men for Clinton, 2 women for Clinton, 1 man for Obama, and 1 woman for Obama.
p>The actual delegate selection will be made in 20 separate caucus meetings across the state on the afternoon of April 5; there will be one caucus in each congressional district for Clinton, and another one in each district for Obama. These caucuses are open to any Democrat (as of the registration cutoff date for the primary) who lives in the district, but you can only attend one, not both.
p>The published list shows the individuals who submitted their names to run for the delegate spots, and were approved by the campaigns. Their names will be on the ballots at the caucuses on 4/5.
p>In your case, you won’t be able to vote in the caucuses because you aren’t registered as a Democrat, but the delegate candidate might have other things they need done on 4/5 or before.
elfpix says
convince some of the Clintonians to move over to the other caucus? Can I write letters, make phone calls or are they cast in concrete at this point?
elfpix says
Thanks for the link. I get it now.
p>So the only people we could many influence are the supers at this point.
p>How do we find out who they are and how to contact them, then?