I think Democrats should support Sean Garballey for State Representative in Arlington/West Medford on Tuesday, March 4.
Sean is hard working, dedicated and energetic and he understands the challenges that Arlington residents and families face like the high cost of living in this area and the desire to have a vibrant business community as well as good schools in Arlington. He has great experience for the job—he grew up in Arlington and he is on the School Committee and is a Town Meeting member. He will also be committed to representing Arlington in the State House full time.
Personally, I also think it would be a huge shame if Arlington elected a Republican State Representative, and yes Worden is considered a strong candidate,(not JUST because of Democratic loyalty, but because with a Democrat dominated Legislature and a Democrat as Governor it really makes no sense for a town like Arlington to elect a Republican if residents want to have any clout at the State House or get more local aid money, etc.) Sean won the Democratic Primary–I hope that Arlington and West Medford Democrats will vote for him.
He has been endorsed by Congresseman Markey and Governor Patrick.
To learn more go to http://www.garballey.com.
Contact information and biography
To get a post into the 23rd Middlesex section, the tag line must say “23rd Middlesex.”
p>I have made that change for you.
I didn’t realize it worked like that. Thanks, Pablo.
On the front page of YourArlington.com, here’s a car with bumper stickers for Selectman Diane Mahon, Democratic state representative Wil Brownsberger, and Republican state representative candidate John Worden.
Aside from being a nicer kind of Republican who is respectable on issues such as the environment, he also has lived life. He owns property. He has raised a family. And one can surmise that the ideas he holds are the result of a life’s worth of experience (less experience however than John McCain since he is only 69).
I was almost shocked when I realized he was only 23 and he won a 3 way primary. Obviously, he’s run a strong campaign to do so and hopefully will make an effective state rep. I’d volunteer to help, but I’m too busy trying to get a certain other state rep elected on Tuesday.