Gas prices are up, so this isn’t saving me money at the pump. Food prices are up, so I’m getting paying the corn industry more there, too.
I checked the latest Consumer Reports issue for recommendations of cars with better mileage. Today’s cars — and I’m talking small sedans — have awful fuel efficiency. A small sedan should be getting better than 23 mpg. I could shell out more $$$ for a hybrid. In the end, someone is going to be getting more of my money for an inferior product.
In time, advances in technology will produce a more efficient ethanol engine. And market demand will bring these car prices down. Until then, I want the old gasoline back.
Why say you? Has your mileage tanked? If not, what are you driving?
I used to think it was smart to use fuel that came from the American Heartland as opposed to Arabia or Venezuela… but since producing ethanol is not that efficient,
I still think that my friend who runs his diesel truck on the leftover oil from a Chinese restaurant is doing something smart, since that oil would just be thrown in the dump.
p>But growing food to burn it in our cars is crazy, even insulting when one considers the famine and malnutrition in the world.