What you can do:
1. Forward Immigration Equality’s e-mail notice to friends and family.
2. Tell Congress bigotry is un-American – Call on your Senators and Representative to sponsor UAFA, because real family values are about keeping loving families together.
3. Donate to Immigration Equality.
By the way, neither Democratic presidential candidate is a co-sponsor, and while supporting the idea of the bill, both Clinton and Obama express concern that the new law would be abused. This despite the heterosexual-strength safeguards written into it.
Please share widely!
Sprigg’s employer, Family Research Council, provide this biography
Lots of MA connections there! Makes me wonder if he is involved with the Watchmen on the Walls/New Life Church stuff going on on Springfield. These people move in small circles.
p>From that FRC page you can link to testimony he has given here and there extolling “natural law” and trashing hate crimes laws as thought crime laws. Not surprisingly, he is also much a part of the peter’s wolf cry “war on christianity!” which really is just their cover phrase for Kick the Queers!