It is Clinton, with no reasonable chance of victory, who is fomenting civil war in order to overturn the will of the Democratic electorate. As such, as far as I’m concerned, she doesn’t deserve “fairness” on this site. All sexist attacks will be dealt with — those will never be acceptable. But otherwise, Clinton has set an inevitably divisive course and must be dealt with appropriately.
To reiterate, she cannot win without overturning the will of the national Democratic electorate and fomenting civil war, and she doesn’t care.
That’s why she has earned my enmity and that of so many others. That’s why she is bleeding super delegates. That’s why she’s even bleeding her own caucus delegates (remember, she lost a delegate in Iowa on Saturday). That’s why Keith Olbermann finally broke his neutrality. That’s why Nancy Pelosi essentially cast her lot with Obama. That’s why Democrats outside of the Beltway are hoping for the unifying Obama at the top of the ticket, and not a Clinton so divisive, she is actually working to split her own party.
Meanwhile, Clinton and her shrinking band of paranoid holdouts wail and scream about all those evil people who have “turned” on Clinton and are no longer “honest power brokers” or “respectable voices” or whatnot, wearing blinders to reality, talking about silly little “strikes” when in reality, Clinton is planning a far more drastic, destructive and dehabilitating civil war.
People like me have two choices — look the other way while Clinton attempts to ignite her civil war, or fight back now, before we cross that dangerous line. Honestly, it wasn’t a difficult choice. And it’s clear, looking at where the super delegates, most bloggers, and people like Olbermann are lining up, that the mainstream of the progressive movement is making the same choice.
And the more super delegates see what is happening, and what Clinton has in store, the more imperative it is that they line up behind Obama and put an end to it before it’s too late.
PS. I got this from Todd Bowers. Keep up the great work!
Dear John,
Great news!
Your representative, Niki Tsongas, just took a major step towards making a modern GI Bill a reality by signing onto HR.2702, the new legislation that is making its way through Congress. As you know, IAVA’s number one priority this year is getting the new GI Bill passed, so that Iraq and Afghanistan veterans can afford to go to college after they return from war.
Please take a minute to call Representative Tsongas and thank her for her support of this critical legislation. It’s crucial that lawmakers hear from people like you, who are committed to ensuring that our nation’s veterans get the respect they have earned.
Thank you for making your voice heard.
Todd Bowers
Iraq Veteran
Director of Government Affairs
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
you paste in an article critical of clinton’s campaign strategy, and an email from a veteran’s organization about tsongas signing onto some gi bill legislation. the two are related how?
p>i call this spam.
Where am I from?
Who is my rep?
Would I want to influence a superdelegate?
Shouldn’t we all try?
p>Call it what you like. It’s a free country.
p>Pull out the straw man.
I have no idea what you’re talking about. It would help all of us Obama supporters if, well, anybody could understand the connection between the e-mail from Todd Bowers and the Clinton campaign’s strategy.
I live in the MA-05. Niki is my Rep. She had my support in the Special, although I spent more time in NH working for Barack. I like Niki and we owe her and her family, deeply.
p>She is, as I have heard, a Clinton supporter. Supposedly because of some loyalty associated to Meehan, yada-yada…Anyways, I have on several occasions hedged around this issue, suggesting that she, at a minimum, stay quite about her support.
p>I am fairly torn on this, but not very objective. For me, this whole Clinton/Obama thing is cut and dry. One is either looking backwards or looking forward. Obama is the future of the party. So, because I think Niki could very well be an enduring custodian of the MA-05, I would prefer that she see the future that I, and millions of others, see.
p>The cut ‘n paste job of the Kos diary was merely a plank in the “platform for change.” I put it up with little comment, as I figured once one of her staffers read it, the context would be clear to them. BMG allows us to reach out to our elected reps. I am trying to utilize the forum to bridge the gap between constituent and rep.
p>The “read between the lines” message is that if she or any of our elected reps are, “status quo” then, they have to go!
p>Remember what Tracy Chapman said? “It sounds like a whisper.”
p>PS. The vet post script was not related in any way, other than being related to Niki. I got that e-mail a week or so and wanted to put it up on the blog, but didn’t think it would attract any attention. I just jammed it in to give Niki the props due and to give IAVA a boost.
p>Nothing would make me happier then singing the praises of my rep, Niki Tsongas, being a model of veteran advocacy. If she shared the mantle with Murtha, I would be estatic. Veterans issues are coming to the fore and I think Niki would be well served, as would the vets be, if she were to make this a core cause for her. Suffice to say, I would blog my butt off for her and go to hundreds of forums and events to support Niki.
p>But first things first.
Officially she’s still neutral, but her daughter Katina Tsongas was Obama’s volunteer coordinator for southern New Hampshire. It’s well known (much to the annoyance of many of us working for Jamie Eldridge and probably those with other candidates) that Katina got a whole bunch of Obama volunteers to take off from the campaign for the few days leading up to the primary in the MA-05 special. Not to mention the personal animosity between Paul Tsongas and Bill Clinton throughout the early 90s.
p>She a first term congresswoman and therefore is likely to be neutral until we have a nominee, but if she does declare a candidate it would most likely be Obama. There is little reason to think she would endorse Clinton before the candidate is chosen, and even if, I don’t think a post like this would do anything to have a positive influence.
Paul’s sister Thaleia, who worked tirelessly for Niki, was at the primary eve Obama event in Boston.
p>Maybe, Niki is an Obama supporter, but is “endentured” to Meehan’s loyalty to the Clintons. Bill Clinton did do a fundraiser for Niki, just before the Special.
p>I am not trying to burn Niki, btw. Heat her up,ya, but not burn. She will, as all our elected reps are going to have to do at some point, have to show her cards.
p>I, as a voter, have the freedom to react, based on her play.
p>PS. Playing it smart, may be playing it safe? Or not? Pelosi has tried to put the gag order on, now that I remember, so that provides some cover, imo.