Hillary has been running on her experience, especially in foreign policy, to contrast herself from Obama. She might want to look up the definition of “experience.”
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
because she was pissed about Monica.
p>But of course because she was the First Lady and she is darn smart so people assume she has some level of experience beyond what she does. But she really makes it out like she was a critical player.
p>She’s always talking about her speech in China from like 15 years ago on women’s rights as if it changed the world. First off, it was a speech and that is just words. Second off, it didn’t change a damn thing as far as anyone can tell. Third off, what did she do about the issue since. I never hear her even talk about it.
p>The thing is – I have no problem with her experience. I think she could be president. I just loath the way she milks a dry cow.