On Obama’s Chairmanship of the Sub committee on foreign relations as they relate to NATO…
Of course, if you don’t hold hearings, conduct oversight, make recommendations or sponsor legislation, then you have no record to explain or defend and you are free to take whatever position is convenient when attacking those who actually did address issues.
And to sum up…
Obama’s gyrations on Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran are not the actions of one imbued with superior intuitive judgment, but rather the machinations of a political opportunist looking to avoid having his fingerprints on any issue that might be controversial, and require real judgment,
I urge you to read the whole thing (It would have been nice if Brian and Tim had read this before the MSNBC Debate)
….critcism is….why didn’t this get published 2 weeks ago when it could have had some time to get traction in the MSM?
p>I think he gets it just right. Obama’s pretty speech back in the day was nothing more.