Not that it doesn’t tell the person who has been following the corrupt Bush/Cheney [McCain’s 100 year War] for the past 5 or 6 years anything new but the PBS Frontline “Bush’s War” is a must see. You can also download it from the PBS website.
It confirms how deceptive if not demonic Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were to get the cognitively challenged G Bush to initiate the war in Iraq on totally false intelligence.
It also shows that Condolezza Rice became nothing more than the White House house servant in all the worst sense of that despicable phrase and Colin Powell was not far behind in fear of their masters.
4000 brave American soldiers are now DEAD and thousands of other brave American soldiers injured because of the mental derangement of those currently in charge of the Executive Branch of our government.
4000 brave American soldiers died again for a lie and the rest of America is being driven into an economic depression like that of 1929 and the 1930’s. We are Trillions of dollars in debt to Japan and other foreign governments to pay for the delusions of these malefators.
No one who had anything to do with this war should ever be considered for any Executive Office in November. To be blunt, 100 year war McCain and Hillary “I never admit to a mistake” Clinton should be soundly defeated in November.
As the saying goes, “Never Again!”
joeltpatterson says
p>There’s a schedule button at the top of the page that will let you input your ZIP code to find out when it plays on your local station. It’s on Channel 2 tonight at 9pm.
shack says
I have been following the chain of corruption for five or six years, but this provided a lot of detail and what appear to be multiple informed sources (ranging from retired CIA to biographers to Bob Woodward to state dept. and other administration officials) to flesh out what was being done or thought behind the scenes at the moment when an editorial or presidential speech or an appearance on “Meet the Press” revealed some new insight into the administration’s public stance.
p>The producers didn’t interview Cheney and Rumsfeld directly, it appears, and/or these officials did not allow minions to speak on their behalf. Given that, the two of them do appear to be the villains of this story. That part is not news, but it’s helpful to see the chronology laid out.
p>This show will be a historic document for generations to come, outlining the administration that trashed the Constitution, the economy and America’s core values.
p>One question: When did the CIA begin this p.r. campaign to do so much outreach and to promote its image? It seems like they used to try to prevent retired agents from speaking in public, and wanted the Agency to have a low profile. Is this all a new survival tactic in Cheney’s Washington, or did it begin earlier?
ryepower12 says
after all, each and every one of them have voted to fund this war over and over and over again, Hillary, John and Barack.
p>Or, on the other hand, let’s vote for the Democrat because, at least that way, we’re not sending in a person who thinks we should be in Iraq for a hundred years and who jokes about bombing Iran.
pj says
Seems each political generation has its political scum of the earth. In the 60’s it was Robert McNamara – today it is Dick Cheney. Apparently, not even Satan wants the dottering evil old fool McNamara who one hopes is now drooling in his oatmeal. Can there be a hot enough place in Hell for both of them?
kbusch says
falls into the Manichean heresy. How do we save them from such evil?
farnkoff says
what is the “Manichean Heresy” in this context? I googled it, of course, but I guess I just wanted to find out what it meant here.
centralmassdad says
was lamenting the impulse to deeem everything either good or evil, without any recognizable gray area. Manicheans don’t do gray areas.
p>I suspect that KBusch finds this lamentable because it happens to be a signature failing of our current President.
farnkoff says
kbusch says
I hope you also noted the intentional irony of referring to Manicheanism as an evil heresy.
p>I enjoyed CMD’s use of the word “lamentable”, word I don’t use often enough.
lasthorseman says…
eaboclipper says
p>You and Harry Belafonte seem to have a lot in common. I thought after Obama’s speech we were supposed to move past race?
farnkoff says
especially since everybody in the White House, the Pentagon, and the press corps seems to have feared and obeyed those two traitors
centralmassdad says
goes for Justice Thomas as well.
sabutai says
Would you prefer “flack”, “stooge”, “cheerleader”, or “waterboy”?
eaboclipper says
but I think that putting up “in all the most vile meanings of that word” kind of sealed the deal with where the poster was going. One of those liberals perhaps that doesn’t think african americans should be conservative or republican?
farnkoff says
Nyuk nyuk nyuk
farnkoff says
Does it not seem that poor old Reverend Wright’s high-tech flaying amounts to the worst kind of Politically Correct, “speech-police”-style hysteria (which conservatives are supposed to despise)?
joeltpatterson says
Glenn Greenwald finds a couple of them on Charlie Rose, and Charlie takes issue with them when they say they didn’t want their country invaded. Worth 10 minutes of your time to watch it.
bob-neer says
I would really appreciate it if someone could explain that to me. Every time I accidentally flip to him on my way to my Tivo-ed collection of Frontlines and Novas, or the Daily Show, or whatever, I ask myself, “Why?” Is there a more insufferably self-important, pseudo-informed, Buckleyesque person on television — excluding, of course, He Who Must Not Be Named.
p>For starters, could someone please shell out a few bucks and get the man a set. The whole black backdrop business has a distinctly public access/WWII bomb shelter feel to it — the television equivalent of a long screetch on a chalk-board.
iippllyykk says
What do Iraqis say? “get out”! LoL!
Myself, I will see it.
freshayer says
… and to say this adds fuel to a five year depression on this issue is an understatement. What struck me was the corps of knowledgeable, informed, intelligent and connected journalist, interviewed for this.
p>Were the Hell were they 5 years ago!!!!
p>This should be as much an indictment on the absolute FAILURE by them as it is on Bush’s Presidency.