Purchased pleasure
Served to fill
Your vacancy
of actual will.
As though in flesh
you hope to find
For your mind.
From bed to bed
You pursue
In other’s bodies
A hint of you.
Revised 3/12/08
Please share widely!
Reality-based commentary on politics.
Nice work, AmberPaw.
Deftly done. Kudos.
thank you
… on other posts it is good to have this gentler reminder of another way to express ones self.
This view, in two feet per line and interlocking rhymes, is a rather, er, conventional. Why people engage in risky behavior, including risky sexual behavior, is an interesting question left unexplored in these three neatly closed quatrains. It is as if our disgust is being elegantly elevated into an explanation.
p>(1) Humans were hunters and gathers for a very long time. Long enough for it to have an evolutionary effect. Agriculture hasn’t been around more than a few thousand years. Is our life too safe and sedentary for our own genetic wiring?
p>(2) The forbidden plays a powerful role in sexuality — particularly male sexuality. In a sense the burqa is part of sexualizing a society not de-sexualizing it.
p>(3) Many have commented on what a nutty class of narcissists politicians are.