On the eve of this latest super Tuesday, let’s see what the most recent polling has to say:
A University of Cincinnati poll out today taken March 1-2 (613 likely voters polled):
Clinton 51, Obama 42.
McCain 53, Huckabee 28, Paul 7
A Suffolk University Poll out today taken March 1-2 (400 likely voters):
Clinton 52, Obama 40
A Rasmussen poll from 3/2 released today (858 likely voters):
Clinton 50, Obama 44
Public Policy Polling conducted March 1-2 (1112 likely voters):
Clinton 51, Obama 42.
A SurveyUSA poll conducted March 1-2 (873 likely voters):
Clinton 54, Obama 44, Undecided 1
Now…onto Texas:
A Public Strategies poll released today (730 likely voters):
Conducted 2/27 – 3/1
Clinton 46, Obama 46.
McCain 56, Hucabee 31, Paul 6
Rasmussen poll released today conducted 3/2 (710 likely voters):
Obama 48, Clinton 47, Undecided 5
Insider Advantage Poll conducted 3/2 (609 likely voters):
Hillary 49, Obama 44, Undecided 7
Public Policy Polling conducted March 1-2 (755 likely voters):
Clinton 50, Obama 44, Undecided 6
SurveyUSA conducted March 1-2 (840 likely voters):
Obama 49, Hillary 48, Undecided 2
It looks as though Hillary Clinton has taken a clear front-runner position in Ohio, coming in ahead of Obama in 19 of 20 of the most recent polls done.
Texas, however, is an entirely different story. The race is statistically tied. What matters most tomorrow is turnout. Whoever is best able to motivate their supporters to get to the polls tomorrow will be the winner of the state. We’ll all need to tune in tomorrow night to find out what happens!
According to this report the majority of Texas voters have already cast their ballots.
Although, it bears mentioning that in states with early voting, Clinton has tended to do better.
p>However, with the caucuses after the polls close in TX, anything is possible. Obama tends to do better than Hillary with those.
p>Will be interesting to watch unfold
How effective the campaigning of the last few days in TX was if the target audience was growing progressively smaller…
p>How accurate the polls can be when the real votes came in over weeks…
p>Will exit polls taken today in TX mean anything…