So Ryan wrote a post regarding our intent to host a gala in Lowell for lefty bloggers under the BlogLeft Massachusetts flag. (We plant this flag in the name of…*ahem*.)
Through the wonders of techonology, and Paypal, you can register for the BlogLeft April 19th gathering online. If you have a moral objection to Paypal (and I can’t fault you) you can instead send me an email with your intent to join us, with your real full name, town, the place you mainly blog (if any), and nickname (we will keep your secret superhero identity confidential) at lynne (at) and I will send you the info about where you can send a snailmail payment.
Once registered (and the check is good, haha) you will receive info on the location and directions.
Though any conservatives that decide to come will be very, very, veeeeeeeeeery bored. Trust me. We’re just not very interesting people. đŸ™‚
and look forward to meeting y’all (although we’ve probably met many times before and just didn’t know it).
10 definites
8 maybes
p>Let’s go, folks. I want to see 20+ people there!!