According to credible sources the Boston Globe editorial board received orders from the Big Apple to support casino gambling. The Globe was also told to publish pro gambling stories. With their hearts not in it, the best reason the Globe could come up with in support is “do you have a better idea?”
The distress caused one editorial honcho, whose name I won’t mention (Renée Loth) to take “a few days off”. People on Morrissey Blvd. are really bumming out over this. And they should.
Did this contribute to Steve Bailey’s abrupt departure?
Remember, casinos are all about money. Destination casinos pay big bucks to promote themselves and their never ending stream of entertainment. Add three more of these to the two high spending and competitive casino advertisers already within a short drive for readers and NYT Corp. sees a huge increase in ad revenue. Not just Boston Globe and New York Times, but Worcester Telegram too.
And of course Red Sox can up bidding between five casinos for “Official Red Sox Gambling Den”. Thus making more money for minority Red Sox owner, New York Times, Corp.
Boston just ain’t Boston anymore..
Our Boston Globe has always been credible in their no good heavy-handedness. For instance, it was OUR local arrogant elitist newspaper when it helped destroy the city with its one sided coverage of forced busing. But hey, their ignorant cold hearts were in the right place, and they were OUR cold hearted, ignorant, elitist bastards.
Screw New York
Some more detail would be nice … feel free to pass it along off-line, if you’re inspired.
That would explain the Globe’s complete reversal of opinion when it came to casino gambling….it must be the advertsiing dollars….the extra quarter must not be covering expenses!!!
p>I also wonder if they had anything to do with the shabby front page attacks on DiMasi….If you read them over a couple of times, the stories are really just full of speculation and inuendo (just like the nonsense NYC trip stories on the Gov)……but it makes sense to go after the guy that cost you all that advertsing money!
…from Paul Krugman:
This would be a fantastic story that could really blow the cover off the NYT’s destruction of the Globe… as well as explain their clear one-sidedness almost throughout this entire story. It absolutely could help explain Bailey’s departure, for sure. I’ll join with David: shoot me an email.
It really makes me think that we need to find another way to fund journalism, and figure out how to eliminate advertising all together. I wonder what the Globe’s position would be on getting rid of advertising? My eyeballs are not for sale, people don’t have a right to throw their message in front of me at every turn.
Not yet … 😉