Here’s the kicker, the same organization that pinned Carville’s guilt on Clinton’s campaign says this on the front page of their website:
Geraldine Ferraro. Reverend Wright. Rezko ties. Secret tax returns. If you’re like me; you’re sick of it.
Me too. I’m sick of it.
Please share widely!
…you prepare to get sicker…..
p>I have welcomed substantive discussion on BMG about the Commonwealth’s economic outlook post Casino or beginning to focus on our own races that could have impact on entrenched Beacon Hill syndrome. If we keep peppering this kind of posting then at least (in this part of the world) the dialogue is about things we can affect in the Commonwealth.
p>As much as we may gyrate and rage there is little more we (in MA) can do until it is decided.
and was wondering why they didn’t mention the general who accused Bill Clinton of McCarthyism ….
p>whatever, at least there are good local races this year …
I’m a hiatus from DFA,, and DailyKos until the Obama cheerleading phase runs its course.