–In the seven minutes between the time that CNN reported that the helicopter had troubles and the time it was reported that we were all safe, Congressman Markey had filed papers for the Senate seat.
–It was enlightening to see the differences between the political system in Afghanistan and here. In Afghanistan, they call it “swift-goating.”
(more jokes to follow in comments; please add any if you were there!)
Bob Joy, chairman of the PCDL, presented Senator Kerry with a plaque.
The evening was hosted by State Senator Bob Creedon (D-Brockton) and by Plymouth County Treasurer Tom O’Brien (D-Kingston). While Creedon cracked some jokes and kept the evening flowing, O’Brien bravely managed the list of introductions of scores of elected officials (including Senate President Terry Murray (D-Plymouth)), Town Democratic Committee chairs, union officials, and candidates for office.
Overall, a great night for Plymouth County democrats!
The event will be broadcast on Brockton community cable.
I loved Kerry’s line about Markey filing for Senate, as well as his joke that he wasn’t too worried about the helicopter crashing once Joe Biden starting giving a speech, and the ‘copter started to rise again…
p>I’d also say that Terry Murray really held her own last night, and this morning. I think she’d make a great governor for our state.
p>Kerry’s primary opponent Ed O’Reilly also suggested that South Shore Democrats get someone to run for Senate as “Kerry almost never stopped by my town of Gloucester until I declared my candidacy. Since then, he’s shown up three times.”
p>Later, O’Reilly mentioned “some people were surprised when Kerry went down in 2004 to North Carolina to meet with the man he made his pick for vice president. Imagine how they would have felt if Kerry had been able to go to Arizona to get his number one pick for the job!”
p>And purplemouse, I get the feeling that not only were we at the same event, we may have been actually sitting at the same table last night. I was the one who didn’t have much of the dinner…
–As the Blackhawk started going down, and my life was flashing before my eyes–except election night 2004, I edited that out–I came to wonder about what line would have a lasting legacy for me. You know, FDR and ‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself;’ JFK and ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.’ And I thought if people would remember for ‘Don’t tase me, bro.’