Remember when our conservative friends the world over could not stop gloating at Nicolas Sakozy’s victory in France? Though it was accomplished mainly at the cost of currying favor with France’s violent xenophobes, we were assured by many that this meant conservatism on the rise.
So why the silence in the wake of the victory of Spain’s socialists, even in the wake of a terrorist attack? By their rubric, this shows progressivism on the rise, and a good sign for Democrats this fall. In the same vein, there’s a sudden silence from our self-appointed experts on foreign affairs discussing the whupping Sarkozy is receiving in current local elections.
One would think they’re hoping that the story would slide by unnoticed…
Silence from Spain?
Silence from France?
Let’s look a little closer to home. Maybe, Illinois? Remember Dennis Hastert? He represented Ronald Reagan’s birthplace, Dixon, and a large slice of conservative and rural prairie that extends from the Chicago exurbs westward.
But why should I write any further when the Wall Street Journal says it all.
I was doing a fair amount of driving today, and happened to channel hop right onto that Bag o’ Wind himself, Rush Limbaugh. Funny – I don’t think he mentioned the French losses today. He was amusing himself (and flattering himself) with the mischief in which he claims to have had a huge part in TX and OH. I listened for a good two hours (it always good to know what these clowns are up to) and didn’t catch a hint of the rise of Progressive thinking anywhere.