But I know Mitt’s not the only one. The oddly- and-recently-again-red-headed Lou Dobbs would love to be on the ticket, any ticket. Dobbs/McCain, Dobbs/Obama, Dobbs/Clinton, or probably most preferably: Dobbs/Dobbs.
The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights. Alexander Pushkin. Translated by Peter Tempest. Illus. by V. Konashevich. Moscow, USSR: Progress Publishers, 1973. (apologies to Pushkin, italicized words added)
“In her dowry rich and vast
Was a little looking-glass.
It had this unique distinction:
It could speak with perfect (English only) diction.
Only with this glass would she
In a pleasant humour be.
Many times a day she’d greet it
And coquettishly entreat it:
Tell me, pretty looking-glass,
Nothing but the truth, I ask:
Who in all the world is fairest
And has the beauty of the rarest?”
I know most folks who want to be on the Presidential ticket, either ticket, are supposed to play it coy, play it cool, but can we, for a moment, admire raw desire?: #1 Whose desire burns most brightly to be VP?
or, alternately: #2 Who would make the best VP on either ticket?
From Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
…but be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ’em.
Billy Shakespeare “Midsummer Nights Dream” Act III Scene II.
p>Or the ultimate in comment from the bard on pundits everywhere
‘Round and ’round and ’round she goes.
Where she stops,
Nobody knows.
All around the Mulberry Bush,
The monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey stopped to pull up his sock,
Pop! goes the weasel
Is being bandied about, by more than one news service. She doth protest. Methinks too much. (Wm. “Shakey” Shakespeare, a few centuries back.)
p>Frankly, why the hell NOT? Barring her lack of admirers among the loyal left, Condy epitomises leadership. She could give John a boost in the polls, and provide a source of leadership skills to John (on the off-chance that Obama doesn’t get in) that few people could:
p>In the same manner that Blake — er, CHENEY, the much despised, has torn the cover off the (Democrats’) ball for the past eight years! (Casey struck out, Cheney didn’t.) Think not? Q: Who is the most despised person in the current administration? Q2: And who, occupying the most powerful position in today’s administration, is the most seemingly innocuous and innocent charismatic leader in the Bush administration’s power structure?
p>Don’t count on either John being stupid, or count Condy OUT! Given the infighting in the Democratic party, she may well become president in 2016!
p>Oh. And Dickie may not approve of his daughter’s sexual preference, but he sure as hell has stood by her, in ways that make other parents look like not much!
NFL Commissioner…and who would blame her? I’ve been to a couple of games in a skybox at Soldier Field, verrrryyyy plush. There’s even a vent on the floor so you can get a taste of what life is like outdoors for the huddled masses yearning for free beer.
now that she has said thoughtful and appreciative things in response to obama’s big race speech, the denizens of rightieworld will not suffer her presence on the ticket.
p>now that she has said these things i, on the other hand, would love to see her on the ticket. not so that i can vote for her (key enabler of bushco that she is), but because she might actually help advance the national dialog on the multi-layered splendor that is american prejudice and bigotry. being both an accomplished woman, a person of color, and an unmarried person, she has a lot to offer in the dialog if she chooses to participate.
by your comment on Condi as unmarried. Only one President, James Buchanan (Dred Scott), had never married (a handful were widowers), so it is indeed quite rare enough to be singular. There is a pretty interesting site about Presidential trivia that informs which Presidents owned slaves, which were the sons of politicians, and what were the favorite foods of our Presidents: US Grant liked to eat a cucumber soaked in vinegar (a pickle?) for breakfast, and Andrew Jackson’s favorite was turkey hash. I am waiting for the next list to come out that shows Stick Junior’s must have food is crow.
(haven’t figured out how to do that fancy thing you all do where you link to a site using just a blue word)
p>I am trying to see if I can find a similar site for VPs, to see if there have been any unmarried VPs. For if Condi were selected and chose to run (she won’t, she hated being questioned by the Senate panel on 9/11, she doesn’t like the rough and tumble; and you’re right, she burned her Repub club card for her comments on Obama and race), she would be the second woman VP candidate (of a major party), the first AA of a major party, and would she also perhaps be the first single person to be VP?
the life stats of vps, i’ll try to help you with creating a clean link. đŸ™‚
p>the code is simple:
< a href=”http://pipi.org”>words to be highlighted< /a >
p>to keep my example from turning into an actual link, i inserted an extra space after the opeining “<” and on either side of the “/a” at the end. you’ll have to remove those spaces for the program to recognize the link code.
You can also use square brackets to do a link:
p>[http://www.google.com/ Google] ==> Google
p>Other shortcuts:
Some *bold* text ==> Some bold text
Some _italic_ text ==> Some italic text
p>That’s about all I’m aware of.
i like that method and used to use it, but at some point soapblox wouldn’t accept it. glad to see they’ve fixed the glitch.
There were two unmarried VPs, one had a common-law-ish wife who had been a slave owned by his father. This was VP Richard Johnson, VP to Martin Van Buren.
p>The other VP was William King, VP to Franklin Pierce. King was the housemate and close companion of the bachelor President James Buchanan(!).
p>For more on “Aunt Fancy” – though for some reason this link to Wikipedia doesn’t work, so you can try entering “Vice President William R. King” to read the article (the article is there, the link just doesn’t seem to work for some reason, sigh, I am inept, apparently, or maybe the page is just yet another queer delusion of mine, it is Wikipedia after all) or for a less exciting general site on
p>ps. Laurel, I hope you won’t be deterred from BMG because of Bob’s less than stellar attempt at sensitivity. I, for one, respect & appreciate you, and it’s clear others do too. Plus, selfishly, it appears I need all the blue word linking help I can get. đŸ™‚
Your last statements are true enough. Also she is a whiz at foreign policy, and may be the best and most enabled Secretary of State in history. These reasons, speculation either way notwithstanding, may cause her to be sought after for VEEP. If she said yes to McCain, there is no way he could lose, IMHO.
p>Here are a few leads (some of which probably are not on your usual reading list!):
p>Newsmax states outright that “sources” have confirmed her interest:
In the following there is considerable speculation about the possibility:
In these, somewhat less, bujt it is still there:
In this one, she denies interest:
In this one, she is put forward as not having said no, either:
mccain is already the “4 more years of Bush” candidate. nothing could emphasize that more than adding rice to the ticket. this will please bush die-hards, but they are not a large enough chunk of the population any more to win on.
out here on the North Left Coast, where Dogs and Dead People vote (Democratic), there is considerable sentiment (support) even among Democrats (HEAVENS!) for Condi. (This is not necessarily true south of the Oregon border.)
who knew they were as politically savvy as all of that and smart enough to vote Democratic!
you’re talking to a neighbor here, chuck. and i can tell you with great authority that condi is no beloved of me or any other dem i know in king county.
p>anything else you want to presume to say for me? (that was rhetorical)
p>After reading this I thought for a moment I was on the Saturday Joke review Post.
p>Seriously, Watch BUSH”S WAR online on PBS. To keep the earlier thread intent going she is one player in this “Comedy of Errors” that has become a tragic Joke played on us. I do agree with one sentiment of Rumsfled from that documentary “She (Condi) is just a glorified Russian Studies graduate with way to much power”