I am told that this is the largest uprising in Tibet agaist Chinese rule over that country since the 50s. The current information that is starting to emerge is of a very high casualty rate among civilians. For more information, go to:
Any first hand information would be greatly appreciated.
Please share widely!
the Olympics in China? Why are we colluding with the continued and violent subjugation of the Tibetan people? We might as well be supporting the 1936 Berlin Olympics
p>Thanks for diary and links, Amber.
And it worked out very well, as Jesse Owens took 4 gold medals at the Aryan, Master Race games – partly due to Hitler tossing talented Jewish and Gypsy athletes off the German team!
p>This action by China is predictable and depressing. I only wish we had some Tibetan athletes on our team (did you know that Koreans were forced to compete under Japanese names in 1936, as Japan had annexed Korea, and that they won?). I hope a mandala or two makes it onto the winners box at least.
Nazi Germany. Owens wins did nothing to change the opinions or dynamics of life in the Aryan state for racially “undesireable” peoples, who were later rounded up and subsequently murdered by this “master” race. Contrary to current American opinion, the 1936 Olympics were seen by the Nazis as a triumph of Aryan superiority (A Riefenstahlian “Triumph of the Will”, made real in the “Olympiad”, so to speak) since they won 89 (33 gold) medals vs the US 56 (24 gold) medals. Nazi Germany was well praised for the Olympics by international media, and the event was regarded as a shining triumph for the new Deutchland, as a triumph for Hitler.
p>Owens achievements (as great as they were) were not lauded, at the time, by most Americans as evidence of the superiority of African Americans (or Jews, or other non-Aryan people) over Aryans. Jim Crow was quite alive and well, then. In fact, Owens complaint about the 1936 Olympics was not directed to Hitler, but to FDR. Because FDR never acknowledged Owens’ Olympic achievements (even against the Master race). http://www.jesseowens.com/
p>Owens got one tickertape parade once he got back to the US. Nothing else. No endorsements, no coaching jobs, no jobs of any kind. He was reduced to running against thoroughbred racehorses in warm ups before Negro League Baseball games to support his family.
p>The US participation in the Nazi Olympics was a travesty. So is our participation in the China Olympics.
Few could recall, nor care, the medal count from the 1936 games.
It is historically irrelevant.
p>Most folks however, do have one noteworthy recollection of those games – how Hitler was proved a fool by a black man from America.
p>Hardly a travesty.
for history to decide that they were relevant? That they were improperly subjugated and violently oppressed by the Chinese government?
p>I guess the “most folks” you describe with their “one noteworthy recollection” are only the ones who survived Hitler.
p>Clearly we disagree on what constitutes a travesty.
The only time in American Olympic history that prepared athletes were not permitted to compete was in 1936…two Jewish athletes were taken off a relay squad for no given reason.
you will get to see about the same thing happen right here.
counts as an uprising, but yeah, FREE TIBET!
The United States boycotted the Olympic games in the USSR to protest the invasion of Afghanistan. The only effect of the boycott was to punish the athletes who spent years training to compete to be among the world’s best in their sport. Do you really think that the Chinese government will withdraw from Tibet if athletes from the U.S.A. don’t appear at the Games in China?