Basic Premise
Obama wins Mississippi
Pundits will run out of things to say on MI/FL
Nothing will happen till Pennsylvania
MSNBC, CNN will have to go back to reporting on other pointless news like what is going on with Lindsey, Paris and Brittany.
Is it time to give it a rest for one week or until there is something real to debate?
Please share widely!
CNN Election Update: Ron Paul still in it!!
p>Candy Crowley to Dana Bash: Dana do you really think Ron Paul can influence the outcome.
p>Dana Bash response: Well Candy if you had asked me that several months ago I would have said yes but now that there has been voting I would have to say no.
p>On the trail of McCain, interviewed at Suns game: You can really tell when Shack jumped into the crowd to save the ball what kind of team we will have for the playoffs.
p>Meanwhile MSNBC gets back to reality ahead of CNN and Fox by announcing that Madonna to be inducted into the Rock and Roll hall of fame!!
Obama Can’t Milk The Iraq War Cow
With no hard news on the offering, the candidates better watch out…this is the environment that produces long hysteria over nothing stories beyond a candidate’s control, and beyond sanity. This is when we’re subjected to 10-day stories on the fact that Hillary got hamburger on her pizza from a cow injected with growth hormone, Obama forgot his lapel pin one day a week after 9/11, and that McCain is just so goshdarn awesome.
Let’s instead have the media take this break between elections to provide real information about candidates’ issue positions, both Clinton vs. Obama and both vs. McCain.
…what a concept. But that could lead to an informed choice!
yes. I’d really like Sen. Obama to continuously expend at least half of his speeches to issues, while rebutting the Clinton junk for laughs in the other half. He’s going to have to make some changes to his formula, but I do think it’s time for that. If he does that, the Clintons will have to respond in kind or look completely unprofessional and un-candidate-able, which will be jez fine, to me.
No I don’t think so. There’s lots of work to be done – PA has to go to Obama and he needs to be laying some groundwork for that after his staff gets things up and running.
p>And Obama needs to be leading the project to resolve FL/MI in the most even-handed and statesmanlike manner possible.
p>Basically he needs to take every conceivable opportunity to participate in Party affairs in the most imaginative, sensible, trustworthy and upright manner he can pull off. That means, to me, dragging the Clintonians onto the track of a solution to FL/MI and away from the sniping.
….to chair that committee on foreign relations and actually create a record to run on?
And I don’t even expect him to win. But if he does, I think that would finish Clinton off.
p>I don’t think Obama needs to lead the effort to resolve FL and MI. As long as he doesn’t interfere with the process as Clinton has, we will still come off as more statesmanlike.
I think he does need to win PA. It’s the pols he needs to bring around at this point – the uncommitted supers who are all pols. They’re going to cling to the “no big states” meme as long as they can, and if Hillary takes another one it just makes it harder for them to let go of that.
p>If Obama wins, they have an excuse to jump ship and that will wrap up the nomination and get us out of this pointless sniping.
p>As for the FL/MI mess, if he takes the lead and pulls off something respectful and equitable he looks even more presidential, as well as capable and like he’s actually part of the Party. As far as I think, this is good, not bad.
p>He needs to be part of the Party, but needs to represent the good angel side, the positive possiblities side. The Clinton campaign is trying to marginalize him from the Party and I don’t think this is a positive for the election in November. We need the Democrats to win and it has to be a positive process. We don’t need a maverick to win, we need the Democrats to win.
p>A multiple party system is not in the offing – it probably will never come about again in our history. The last thing we need is a serious split between the pols and the Obama-ites. He needs to pull the pols in and force them to clean up, not leave.
He has been steadily winning the support of superdelegates for weeks. Last week he got 13 additional superdelegate endorsements to Clinton’s 4. He doesn’t need to win PA for that to continue, in fact I think it is likely that he will actually catch Clinton’s superdelegate total before PA. Obviously, if he wins PA, then the remaining delegates will most likely flood to him, but the current pattern is just fine as well.
p>I don’t know what exactly you think he should be doing. It is really up to MI and FL to decide what they want to do together with the national party. As long Obama does not object to it, what is the issue? In fact, by injecting himself into the decision, it will only further polarize the issue. Do you actually think that Clinton looks “presidential” by saying she won’t “accept” caucuses?
No silly season coverage that proves detrimental to Obama and Clinton, no siree. Thanks, guy, for taking one for the team.