I expected this to last at least a few weeks. But I became aware of a fact today that sent me to the Moon. So now, less than 24 hours after I said I was leaving you for good I’ve come back.
Bob was right. Of course I couldn’t stay away. But this fact has impacted me in a such a way that I have to demean my self and come groveling back without going through a respectable hiatus.
Damn you ____! You have caused me to humiliate myself.
And worse of all Peter said “No” when I said “Hey, Peter, let’s put on a show. I mean blog”
Tomorrow I will post something that truly is a call to arms. The people will be called to action. The roots that hold this grass together will join as one to stop this insanity
I will say that it is about someone that Ernie comments on now and then.
Someone who needs to be slapped silly. I have a plan. And it’s a good one. I know because my mother told me so. Someone who is both disgraceful and dangerous. Someone who MUST BE STOPPED. (not my mother)
(who will comment, “you had me at ‘with poll'”?)
trying to put together a memorial, all weepy and lamenting your absence for a whole day! The best of EBIII will just have to keep growing and (hopefully) getting better. The light has just come back into our day.
p>That’s some genius satire right there.
Peter, do you care to comment? I called you a bitch. Funny? Not funny? Mean? anti-woman?
p>I though it was funy.
p>Now if I was to just call tblade a dickhead that would not be funny. So I won’t
You already called me derided me for being a supposed “militant homosexual” and the reason that people hate Massachusetts or some BS.
p>And I’m glad the reason you’re not calling me a dickhead is because it wouldn’t be funny. What restraint!
a touch of Irish Alzheimer’s perhaps? Just remembrin’ the bad?
p>You remember this quote from waaaayyyyyy back when? I don’t deny it. But a link would be nice. I probably was bitching about some militant homosexuals acting in ways which ruins it for the rest of us fags.
p>Just I like I was bitchin about Petro ruin it for the rest of us gumbas.
p>I’m not sure of the Massachusetts thing. I st don’t deny it. Just can’t place it or see me using it.
p>How about a link for the ole credibility factor. I am curious as to the context.
p>Only a dickhead would refuse to provide a link which is easy to find thanks to great data storage system provided by Charley, Bob, and David.
p>BTW. What are you accusing me of?
Are there not such things as militant homosexuals? Should w not even mention the words together? How about the “MS Words”? Yeah. That’s It. The “MS Words”
p>Thanks in advance for the link(s) tblade. And by doing that, thanks again for not making me have to point out that someone is acting like a dick head.
p>You da man tblade.
I just so discombobulated because of what I learned today.
The comment quickly deleted by the Editors, and it did even last long enough to receive enough zeros to become hidden.
p>No refusal. I just can’t link to what doesn’t exist.
…it lists 29 comments but only shows 22. But I don’t remember exactly.
Yup, militant homsexuals ruining a nice thing gay businesscomminity and the gay travel industry have by shouting fire in a crowded theater.
p>Yup. I stand behind what i am accused of saying but not sure if i said it.
p>tblade. Front and Center.! Pronto!
You Are A Militant Homsexual! You hear me Boy!
p>How ya like them apples tblade?
Except, as I mentioned at the time, I’m not even gay. I remember the whole comment being a blanket unsupported attack, but I don’t remember the content beyond the phrase “militant homosexual”.
p>I find it amusing that you can entertain the BMG community with your “hilarious” satire, but if some one dares criticize your important work, they are repeatedly called a “dickhead”, or called a “bitch”. “boy” or mischaracterized as a “militant homosexual”. How creative!
p>I wonder if all this name calling will result in enforcement of “the rules of the road”, or if this will fall under the supposed one-trick pony satire you’re known for. Really, you’re a great addition to BMG and no dickhead should ever dare object to a word you write.
and like all beloved little lap rats he is allowed to shit on the carpet and piss on visitors shoes because mummy and daddums think he is just so lovums wuvums cuuute! now be a good boy tblade and give earnie wernie a treat or so help me god i’ll tan your hide and send you straight to your room and give ernie wernie your supper wupper, because we just love our little bochy wochy don’t we little cute-ums, yes we do, yes we do, yes we do.
fir my sprained eyeballs after reading that
Your upset because I inferred you are gay when you are not?
p>I thought we were past all that?
…and I mentioned that no, I’m not insulted by being called gay. I think it was the tone of your original comment that is what merited the deletion. No homophobia.
I think you’re a homo-phobe.
p>Deniel is not a river in Eqypt.
If you give people shit about typos, it doesn’t look good when your comments are peppered with typos themselves.
p>OK, so in your book I’m a homo-phobe. Wetevs.
The ultimate slacker comeback.
I said “whatevs”. That’s so much cooler than the archaic 90s term “whatever”.
this comment was deleted by the editors you say? Hmmm. Bad luck for you.
p>Let me get this straight.
p>tblade, who, in my opinion, is a militant homosexual, states that i called him a militant homsexual. And he is outraged about it. I did not deny it, but I can’t place it and not sure of the context. So i asked for link.
p>He stated he can’t link to it because (with sics and all)
p>(Now that’s embarrassing. Habng Ernie ya)
p>So you are saying..
p>Of all the things I have written on here Bob, David, and/or Charley deleted a comment because of the militant homosexual line?
p>I first thought this was a covenient excuse for you. But as read on and saw you confessed and told the truth.
than who or what they were called
but I’m tired of getting those nasty emails from
Larry LucchinoDan ConleySal DiMasiDan Kennedythe people who like to drive on Storrow Drive on Sundaynever mind.<
p>But seriously, welcome back! I teared up a bit when I saw this post …
Ya Big Lug
Ithought Charley got a call and was sympathetic. But and email? That’s much easier to handle. If it was an email he….
p>aw, nevermind.
And it was NOT bitchiness that made me – REGRETFULLY – say no to your kind offer. It was my own blog, my other blog, and the weekly gig, plus the day job, plus the selfish addiction to bathing and sleeping from time to time.
p>Plus – you want ME to keep your discourse civil and credible? First, who needs a civil EB3? And second, not till you get me Charlton Heston’s staff and red striped robe which he used to part the Red Sea, now that he’s not using them anymore….I know better than to interfere with Forces of Nature!
I said a week, but less than half that still doesn’t shock me. Sad, too, because I was looking forward to some serious addition by subtraction. /sigh.
you left yourself open to these innocent jabs. next time, don’t boast it, just do it – and then see if it sticks.
I think there needs to be a forum rule across the web that ‘goodbye’ threads should be treated the same way as statements by athletes guaranteeing victory before a big game. If you’re going to play big, you don’t need to talk big. If you’re going to leave a blog, just leave. I’ll never read a goodbye thread actually thinking the person is going to be gone for good, just like I’ll never take a “we’re going to crush those Packers into submission” statement as anything indicative of what’s going to come. Also, both are lame.
never mind. I am at a loss of words. of course I am. Because the qword I am looking fo9r is
p>”Silence” the verb
As in “Ryan wants to SILENCE debate“
p>”and he’s a wuss”
post away! I just find this whole thing hilarious. The more posts you write over the next few days, the funnier this whole thing will get.
What was it that got your panties in a bunch anyway? Give the correct answer to the poll.
And yes it’s Dan Conley.
p>I know, you were hoping for a BC grad.
And more not than you think.
p>The poll in this un-goodbye post: Who am I going to verbally assault with undiluted outrage?