Check out this video of Rep Gene O’Flaherty (anything good ever come out of Chelsea?) on Bill O’Reilly last night. O’Flaherty supports child molesters, or something like that.
But I didn’t know O’Reilly did the old 60 minutes thing and ambushed people going to work. Now that I know, I may watch his show. It’s great entertainment. I especially love the orange O’Flaherty is eating. I was really hoping the news reporter would keep harrassing him. I love this stuff.
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Personally I think Geno schooled the punk and by extension O’Reilly. It’s a good precedent for politicians to be able to tell gotcha moralists to screw.
Good for Rep O’Flaherty – that was a bullshit stunt…and Bill’s insinuation that he is corrupt rather than principalled is more absolute bullshit. Rep. Polito did ok not to inflame the matter but I am sure the whole matter won’t play well in the STate House with her colleagues.