At the summit you will hear from many experts in civic leadership — including many from your neighborhoods – about their visions for a stronger and more united city. You will spend the day working with your peers to examine the challenges that face efforts to promote civic engagement, share best practices for successful activism and advocacy, and develop your own toolkit for effective community leadership that you can bring back to your neighborhood. Much credit goes to Jim Rooney of the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority, my co-chair for this event, and to our advisory committee for planning what promises to be an outstanding day.
Already we have received a high number of community leaders who have registered for the summit, and I post today to welcome and invite more of you to participate. I also invite you to share this information with your friends and colleagues and to cross-post on blogs across our city. To register today, please visit
Let’s build a better city together.
Maureen Feeney
Boston City Council
I like you. My frinds that know you like you.
p>So, with that in mind, do yourself a favor.
p>Get out of here. Run! Run away! Don’t start any dialogue with “these people”. You will always end up on losing side.
p>You can still get to them without posting here.
p>First Sal with David Guarino and now you. Look what they did to Charley Murphy. He has an excuse. He’s from Burlington, likes to ride escalators. You don’t have an excuse my Dorchester friend.
p>Consider me your father, you are 17, and I just ran into you at the Cornerstone, or Tom English’s or someother godforsaken place. What does Dad say?
p>”Go home and don’t let me see you here again.”
p>Good luck with the Civil Summit. Excellent idea. But who the Christ ever thought Menino would recieve 80% favorability from women and have met 56% of the residents?
p>No other way to say it. “That’s Fucked-UP!”
Yet you cling to the digital commons.
p>We’re going to help you get on your digital feet and feel proud enough to shout your real name from the rooftops: our own bloggy Harold Roark. đŸ˜‰
get rid of first one. hey get mad when u post twice. Like eating meat on Friday for a blogger.
Like Dave Balfour calling John Kenneth Galbraith a ‘hack’.
p>I love that line. It should win an award.
I called you a fixture! What’s wrong with that? Some of my best friends are fixtures. đŸ˜‰
for me to use Dave Balfour/JKG line.
p>It is, in my opinion, my best line evah.
p>Dave Balfour calling Galbraith a hack. Now that’s comedy.
There should be online components of the so called summit. People with access to their branch boston public libraries’ computers or at their neighbors or in their own households could get involved if they can’t make the time and place for the event. In these times it’s a bit out of touch not to have online components for an event like this…