Word on the street is that Comcast is in oh so private negotiations to be bought out by Verizon.
Verizon is cutting into Comcast’s profits across the country and the writing some say is on the wall that Comcast stock will never be worth more than it is now.
The “Suits” the street say it is now or never for Comcast.
Fios is the way and Comcast is on the way…out.
Please share widely!
and Ventor Avenue too. Good thing I’ve still got Atlantic Ave…
You need to swap into St James Place.
Good thing that the federal government will protect consumers by blocking such an anti-competitive move.
My father’s buying comcast
We just switched out telephone service from Comcast to Verizon but kept Comcast for the computer, even though Fios is now available. Why mess with what works?
Hopefully the competition will keep Comcast honest because frankly they were getting a tad arrogant in the vacumn that used to exist.
“Word on the street?” Did you happen to see a Comcast flyer on top of a Verizon installation coupon, and put 2 and 2 together….that they were “merging”?
p>I can’t believe I just commented on this.
What’s the word on the street?
If news, that’s pretty quiet news. Price down, volumn down
and I’m fully behind that move.
as it turns out has won much of the FCC electromagnetic spectrum auction so in addition to having FIOS they are also going to have a monopoly on wide area wireless internet technology. Watch all those ugly cell phone towers sprout new antennas for new bandwidth.
p>I was never, ever impressed with with having three things on one bill. Internet, a fake “phone” service and 80 channels of mind numbing propaganda straight out of Satan’s personal think tank.
p>So in addition to all concepts of anti-trust relegated into the dust bin of history look for new and emerging “markets” of parasitic ponzi scheme things like streaming ads, text messages and even government Al-CIA-Duh “terra” alerts.
p>FIOS also is the platform for Internet 2 but that technology is shaping up as a totalitarian censored place, way to expensive and commercial crap only.
Does the Tri-Lateral Commission know about this?
p>Great comment. worth a 6
I don’t have cable. Thought about gettin’ it when Broonz left chairnil 38. But all I need ia 4,5, and 7. and sometimes 2.
p>(channel 2) the letter “Y” of Boston VHF stations.
You’ll love it when you get … indoor plumbing.
then again it is so “normal” these days for us to rely on electronic fund transfers. Your personal data does in fact make such circuitous connections hopping from server to server enroute to those processing houses in India.
The world has indeed beaten an electronic path directly into your wallet. It has become so common companies are emerging. For a low membership price you too can ask the question “Did I Steal Myself”.
Apparently I am the only weird one who dares ask why lazy morons have created a monetary system so open to attack I have to pay a company to see if I stole myself.
p>Is there an answer? You betcha, it’s the implantable mandatory 666 Mark of the Beast microchip.
With wide area wireless in place networks of remote solar powered surveillance cameras will be just an IP address away.
As for the rumor, I tend to doubt it…
p>but if anyone with knowledge on the subject would like to shoot me an email on whether or not I should switch to Fios, I’d be appreciative. I’ll say this about Verizon: they’re running a true campaign. I’ve had door to door people come to my home TWICE telling me that Fios is way faster and the combined internet-phone-cable plan much cheaper… but I tend to give a polite ‘no thanks,’ even if that kind of costumer service, at least, is admirable (if not quaint).
I hate Comcast but put up with them because they are my only option.
For some inside scoop on Comcast go to http://www.comcastwatch.com.