To my dismay, I had walked in the convenience store in my neighborhood yesterday and I saw a very disturbing article on the front page of the free Boston City Paper.
It told of the effort by two local Boston pols ( Steve Murphy and Rob Consalvo )to create a memorial in Roslindale Square to former Boston City Councillor “At -Large” Albert ‘Dapper’ O’Neil. My rememberences of the man are not that fond.
He was a bigoted conservative ( he hated non-whites and gays and lesbians ) who professed, “‘if you didn’t live in Boston all your life, you don’t know what is going on.'” He was a perennial candidate who cared more about running for any office available than his neighborhood.
If you live in Boston or specifically Roslindale or Hyde Park, please contact Steve Murphy or Rob Consalvo and express your vehement opposition to this memorial to an era that fortunately has passed in our city. I know that I will. Thank you.
Wayne Wilson
for they know not what they hath brought to our land. Hath not thee men, Brothers Murphy and Consolvo, brungeth to thee faithful their gifts from the almighty? Their endless devotion hath changeth their beings into holy and complete tools of the greatest joke ever told? The Boston City Council?
“Hath not thee men brungeth?” should be “Have not thy men brought?” “Brought” appears in the King James Version; “brungeth” doesn’t exist.
p>Also “hath” is only used with the singular: thous hast, he hath, but they have. The -eth suffix is only used on third person singular verbs. Third person plural verbs are the same as modern English.
p>For more details, see Greffindel’s Guide To Archaic English Grammar or other sources.
p>If one must do this sort of satire, it’s worth doing right.
If one must do this sort of satire, it’s worth doing right.