Watching Emily Rooney right now and Deval hasn’t changed his tune on casino gambling. It was a done deal before it started and never got a fair hearing. Thats his crying game.
My God man. This Self-Centered Only Clild like baby still can’t move on like a mature adult. never mind a governor.
I want to throw up.
Emily just describe his book like a “Rick Pitino deal”
Now Deval is saying he was sought out a ‘dozen years ago” and got “serious a few years ago”
So if this is a 15 year plan why did the Big meeting occur on the day when you should have stayed at the office.
Deval just said this, “I’m done responding to nitpicking” when Emily asked about his claim of drawing 10,000 to the Common.
I’m barfing big time now.
what’s the deal — is dale arnold doing play by play of rooney’s interview?
Like watching a car wreck. Can’t look away from this disaster. And that’s what this has turned into.
Hope, Ernie, not despair. Don’t you want to focus on the upside? Where will the constant moaning about Deval get anyone? Tom Reilly lost the election fair and square. Kerry Healey blew it on her own and managed to make herself look simultaneously crass, petty and out of her league in the process. Who else might you have supported? I can’t remember, I’m sorry.
p>In short, what constructive alternative do you propose? What do you think the powers under the golden dome should be doing, other than, perhaps, committing mass suicide or writing out self criticisms to be delivered from the State House steps?
p>I have to be all for somebody 100%?
Constant moaning? What did you call your complaining about Romney? Healy, Bush,
p>If Deval continues on this way and I will continue to moan.
p>This man, regardless of politics, is so lost as governor.
More than Romney. More then Healy, Even more than Swift. And they werer all lost.
p>You want a “construtive proposal” Bob?
p>How about Deval take his legislative defeats like a man, or at least an adult.
p>How about Deval not deliberately going out oh his way when there is no need to allienate an equal but seperate branch of government needed to accomplish his goals? Some of his goals are my goals and he screwing them up.
p>How about Deval not being myopic when considering how his actions are looked upon by the voters? A paid scheduler for his wife? Calling Ameriquest? Or leaving the state for personal business on a day that he should have been seen at the statehouse. Basic stuff yet he has tin ear to it. He the smartest kid in class. Next to Charley Baker of course. So he can’t be told anything.
p>How about Deval not writing a self-help book marketed to be sold in bulk to large organizations and companies. Many having interests in Massachusetts. Another Catherine White Birthday Party is what that is. (Let someone else tell you about that -1980)
p>That is where I would start
p>If this was 1945 and Hitler asked me the same question Bob, “what constructive alternative I would have rather than complaining about him.” I would say, first get rid of the concentration camps and stop being an evil despot. After that we can start working on a “constructive alternative”.
p>Same to Deval. First undo all the damage he has done to himself. Start by taking a differnt attitude.
p>I don’t think Deval is capable of changing his attitude. I hope for the state’s benefit he can.
This will get them all side-tracked and rightous.
I love it.
on marriage. That’s good enough for everybody else, what’s your problem? Though I do wonder what he had to do with that, and how it would have been any different with Healey or Ross or Mihos or Reilly. But nevertheless, he said the right things, and engaged the netroots, and he’s pushing biotech, so you’re not supposed to care about anything else.
Hey, when are you going to announce your Republicrat candidacy for governor?
p>Now, who would the populus prefer? A USED CAR SALESMAN whose dealerships have a uhm…. negative history with many consumers of anyone else. Your rants are running out of gas.
p>The car sales business must be so bad you have nothing else to do.
How does me criticising Deval on his POLITICAL maneuvers is getting his iniatives make me a RepubliCrat?
p> If I question Terry Francona’s managerial decisions I establish myself as a Yankee fan?
p>You my friend are a moron.
p>You should have stopped reading me long before this.
Quote starts with “Your rants…”
p>That is all.
p>Carry on.
Yup, I must be a moron. I once bought a car from Boch Motors! Yup, a real moron.
You know my name is make believe, right? I am not related to Ernie Boch or his son.
You kmow this right?
And all this time I thought by promoting your posts, I’d get a deal on some new wheels.
(Homer Simpson Irish whisper) we’re still on. I’m just trying to confuse PJ.
I thought you were posting during quiet hours at the dealership. I keep calling and asking for, “Ernie,” and I keep getting put on hold.
We Don’t Have Quiet Hours at the Dealership
Sure there are no quiet hours at Boch; there are too many angry customers screeming at the top of their lungs. Quite a voting block EYE would say
I once saw a drunk guy in worcester get into an argument with the drive-through Shoney’s Big Boy. Can’t say his argument wasn’t a valid one. Just misdirected.
And sorry for maligning your family business, Ernie đŸ˜‰
Ernie and the Automatics.
p>It makes you a Repubicrat because that’s how the “campers” play the game. If you disagree with anything done by St. Patrick – then you are, of course, a Republican or Republicrat. They will also besmirch your occupation, business or anything else in an effort to discredit you, instead of your statements. It’s unfortunate.
Although admittedly nobody likes to be labeled, his opinions generally seem to tend to the right- and southward toward the Yankees. (Just kidding)
Hmmm. George Romney created the mobile motel room known as the Rambler with reclining front seats. George Romney’s son is Willard Mitt Romney career was conceived, bedded and financed by that floating bedroom. Willard is a Republicrat conservative [ this year ].
p>Ernie’s pop made his fortune selling Rambler Motels. His son, Junior, is also a conservative Republicrat whose political career, if he chooses to announce, was also conceived, bedded and financed by the Rambler Motel.
p>Mitt and Ernie Rambling together and bedded by the same fortune based on ‘family values in the back seat of a Rambler? đŸ˜‰
I am not related to him, you pin head.
Leon Powe is Leon Powe, though, isn’t he? I like to watch him shooting free throws imagining that he’s thinking “I wonder if anybody responded to my post on BMG yet, can’t wait to get back to the locker room to log in”
To whom are you not related? Your father or Willard Romney? đŸ˜‰
You were pretty much asking for this when you chose your user name.
You are an idiout too.
You deliberately chose a user name to refer to a moderately well known local figure and now you whine like a “Big Baby” when someone uses it against you.
are morons.
p>Since you have a history of giving my comments zero’s and sometimes threes, I know you are not a casual or accidental reader of EB3. Along the way there have been hints and actual admissions that the name is a joke. Average reader who had originasl good faith question should assume that.
p>But more importantly, any half-intelligent person who is familiar with Ernie Boch and his son, Ernie Boch, Jr. and just stumbled across here would not assume without further investigation that a blogger known as Ernie Boch, III is indeed the heir to ‘c’mon down’ name. Furthermore, only a person with the brain of Mike Tyson, or Oliver Wendy Murphy (wendy, is this you?) would then act upon this dicey assumption and engage the blogger as if it was the real thing.
p>Anyway,gutta go. Me and Sammy Davis, III are hanging out together today. We’re chasing some tail with JFK,III
keep in eyes on positions I take, not attacks on individual politicians. Im against casino gambling, i am pro-choice (not partial birth), I am against death penalty, and I have no problem with gay marriage. Pretty much status quo on the litmus tests
That had to be the sweetest time on Blue Mass Group.
p>You have to be the most unpleasant person on the blogosphere, and I read MyDD.
p>You have taken middle school bullying to the internet. Any time some disagrees with out comes the “retards”, “Gay”, and when you fantasized about having Patrick beaten up as a child was not disturbing at all.
p>It’s a joy to have you here, you add so much.
p>Retarded was bad choice of words but I went for the joke. Poor taste. Show me where I mock gays for being gay? Not political agenda of some in gay community, but gay? Show me where I attack using the word “gay”.
p>Beating up patrick as a child?
p>labor. There are 20+ posts on this one small commentary that has many many other writings in it. You chose to read this thread with its postings and the wrote,
p>”You have to be the most unpleasant person on the blogosphere, and I read MyDD”
Do you know what inteeligent people who feel the same as you do about me.? ike you do
They don’t waste their time reading this junk. Get real.
p>You are what the kids call a “loser”.
p>Now excuse me. I have to go and read Howie carr then write a letter saying how bad he is and the Herald is better with him not there.
Then I will read him again and again.
p>I want to be a loser too
“Most unpleasant person,” doesn’t add to the discussion. It’s just a useless insult.
p>Substantive discussions are more interesting.
You and Ernie sound like a couple of trolling roommates on a lazy Saturday afternoon.
Good day Sir.
p>I said, “Good day!”
at least for now.