Today’s Globe has a picture of Deval making googglie eyes at a poor soul who made it known to the Governor in front of the press and all the attendees at a joint press conference and event with the City of Boston that he has a personal problem. (I can’t find it to link to)
Like the traveling Pentecostal, Deval had the guy come to the stage so all can see him work his magic. The man spoke. Deval listened. Cameras rolled.
People cried. After this moment of compassion Deval turned to Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis and more or less said ‘take care of this’.
Where to start? Or why bother? Davis does not work for Deval. He works for Tom Menino. You wouldn’t do that to a Dunkin’ Donuts employee so why would you do it to high ranking official of a government entity of which you have absolutely zero constitutional or statutory authority.
Deval could not tell his Public Safety Commissioner to “take care of it” because he previously ordered him to pour gasoline on himself and light a match. Remember when he went before the legislature and told them to go to hell because they were not steppin’ in line? Deval forces people who have good will to destroy it. Ask Susan Bump.
King Deval says, “take care of this.” That’s all it should take to get things done.
After reading Doug Rubin’s assessment of the Deval’s accomplishments you would think that Deval and Sal spent the last 12 months (insert favorite sex act here).
Really, if I only went by what the Governor said I would think Sal would not give Deval the time of day, unless of course the grease ball was getting paid off by the watch company.
IMO Rubin’s piece furthers the perception that Deval is a clueless, elitist, cry baby.
I am beginning to think that Deval’s resume is one of disaster after disaster for the people who hired him and a windfall for Deval.
He comes and goes real fast from places. And people seem to pay him to leave. Judging from his performance here, his over all competence and past job performances are legitimate questions which a good journalist should look into.
I’ve no doubt that he’s competent. He’s been carrying water for the civil rights movement since leaving school, and I’m certain there’s no lawyer out there that knows the civil rights laws and politics as well as Governor Patrick.
p>Beyond knowledge of civil rights, I see no reason to expect competence. There’s no experience otherwise.
criticizing Patrick’s mistakes as he makes them is expected. But when you start commenting on his every move – well, it just becomes more worthless trash talk. much like the bash hillary threads previously seen here. there may even be truth to what is being said, but they go so overboard as to be worthless. just sayin.
Not this time Laurel.
p>What they did to Ed King was trash talk. And they piled on. Trash talk is just plain insults. Piling on is a step above knit picking. Who know’s if I am piling on, but I am definitely not trash talking.
p>No politicain anywhere, would turn to the employee of another politician and say ‘take care of that’. Davis and Menino probaly wanted to punch him in the nose. Hasn’t Deval learned anything. And no governor would upstage the mayor of Boston like that by turning the homeless guy’s problem into a public relations opportunity for only himself.
p>The episode with Commmissioner Davis points to the fact that even today, after all his ‘rookie mistakes’ he still goes out of his way to piss people off who he shouldn’t piss off. Unless of course,it is to his political adatage. You can always disagree with out pissing other politicians off, such as cainos. And you can just decise to piss someone off. Like what Deval did to Commissioner Davis and Mayor Menino yeatersay.
p>I have been suspect of Deva’s streak of narcissm since his campaign promoted house parties which had him ‘calling in”. Even Ted Kennedy doesn’t call in to his house parties. His lack of institutional respect show’s not only arrogance but a hint of incompetence. His just didn’t get it when it came to casino gambling. The timing of book deal was like showing up to court drunk for your drunk driing trial. His seemingly condescending view of non-ivy league types. Especially if they are ethnic. Like most of the legislature.
p>His administration seems much more pompous than Romney’s and others before him.. That’s saying alot.
p>These trees are adding up to a forest that needs alot of rain. Or it will burn. And burn fast. Earliest lame duck goernor ever.
p>This trash talk as you say is my reflection the past and it’s relationship with the present.
it is that he has never held public office and just doesn’t understand the intricacies of government??
p>this is usually the problem when people elect biz executives to run a government. they think they can move mountains with the bully pulpit, and when that doesn’t happen they start plotting book deals and looking for the next career move.
This guy Deval has a real problem of not listening to people with more experience. These constant, and I mean constant, missteps of all sizes is starting to border on bizarre.
p>Do you agree or is he no worse than others? Including Romney.
doesn’t that violate BMG’s Rules of the Road?
p>Delete the post, please, Editors.
The Governor, the Globe, and others tried to subtly imply during this casino thing that the only reason Sal DiMasi would be against casino gambling is a nefarious one. If it doesn’t smack of anti-italian elitism than what does?
p>By referring to Sal as a grease ball I am really saying that the Governor and pro-casino types and lefties who follow Deval and to some degree the Globe are playing the ethnic Italian North End mafia on the Take Grease Ball card. I chose not to use the words ginnie (how do spell that anyway) and dago but went for subtler grease ball.
p>When it comes to Irish Cathoilics that’s the same card without marinara sauce. Deval and the Globe looks at us all the same. Crap they wipe opff their shoe.
p>As for you joelpatterson, when I say you are an ignorant, obtuse, one dimensinal, condescending,anti-intellectual, self-important, far left of the curve lefty I am not using satire.
p>Learn the difference.
p>Greaseball has not earned the level of respect the N word or the C word have.
Especially with this super race all over the place. Half Italian/ Half Irish. You don’t know who to trust anymore.
p>Like Joe DiNicci said about the Irish/Italian rivalry.
p>The Italians won. They let the Irish marry their sisters.
p>Now that’s funny.
p>But really. the terms “Irish American” and “Italian Americany, they gotta go. I can say “mick” in one syllable. Here they want me to say six. It ain’t right.
Now with twice the tongue and half the cheek!
Joel firsts points out a fact. The grease ball thing.
p>Joel then asks, “Doesn’t this violate BMG Rules of the Road?”
p>Without getting an answer, Joel orders the BMG editors to “delete the post”. No discussion. No debate. Just the presentation of one fact. Then a question. The a remedy, without a conclusion. And the remedy is in the form of a demand. Over persons joel patterson has no authority over.
p>Does this sound familiar?