Gets me wondering how “the End” is going to come.
Is it going to be all fire and brimstone, disaster, war, riots and marital law or are we just going to slip into future post-modern dystopian feudalism gradually and with little notice.
I have to realize 99.99% of you out there think I have to be a fifteen year old crackpot sitting in my mother’s basement with pointy tin foil atop my head. But no.
See, I had an expat assignment. An extended stay in a foreign country. That does two things. It removes oneself from the “home” culture, and two teaches you another. It opens up all sorts of possibilities in your thinking processes which before were unthinkable. I can accept a wider range of plausiblity and gives a choice between culture A and culture B.
When a member of the Navy underwater demolition team says something I am inclined to take it as gospel truth.
joeltpatterson says
From this guy?
Maybe I’d believe it if Stone Cold said so…
lasthorseman says
but then again he did get to be governor. The scary part of that would be voter mentality. Either way he was just your average American prole more or less. Joe Six Pack goes to “Washington”. The Illuminati just can’t have that.