The two %$#@s that write that trash gossip column for the Herald went off on a Globe writer today for apparently appearing intoxicated at a Fox Network dinner event. This same writer, the #%&*s reported, also wrote negative things in the Globe about the very same Fox Network event and after party entertainment.
I’m confused. The charges leveled against him by the two ^%$# don’t rise to the level of water cooler chat, never mind headline news.
Fox: the network owned by Rupert Murdoch.
Rupert Murdoch: the man who use to own the Herald but was forced to sell.
The Herald: owned by Pat Purcell.
Pat Purcell: the man Rupert Murdoch wanted to sell the Herald to.
The Herald sale: Murdoch made sure it was sold to his long time employee who did not have a pot to pee in.
So anyway, this item about the Globe writer is so below the belt, so obviously duplicitous, so nasty, so unprofessional, so child like, so amateur like, so lack of originality or creativity.
So Herald like.
Wow, you media types have a great profession. One for all and all for one. Nice.
What these &#@*s did in this column is the journalistic equivalent of a police officer making a false arrest to settle a personal matter.
Really, Pat, just fold the damn thing. It’s a joke. Put a wind farm on the property. I mean a real one. Not like the wind farm currently occupying Herald Square.