Forget about the book, just buy A LOT of copies instead of contributing to his political champaign. Wink, wink!
p>That way, you can contribute as much as you want to Deval Patrick and he can use the money on the next campaign free from any campaign limits. Corporations can do it too!
that describes carr’s column and your gloating over it.
The Jim Wright thing is an examplke of why Deval’s one million dollar plus deal smells. This is not lame Ryan. If the marketing stragedy was not to sell this book to corporations than I would be repeating same ole crap. But it is not. This is a shakedown book. Like Jim Wrights.
Is there a legal difference, or is it just one of public perception? And if the public perceives it as influence peddling if Geico buys 10,000 copies, then there could still be calls for resignation and graft investigations, just as if it were his shoelaces right?
If I’m the governow and have a plumbing business on the side and my business gets a big plumbing contract from Raytheon whom it never did business then that stinks but on its face no legal or ethics commision violation.
p>But if Ratheon was also negotiating with stae some big tax deal or, if applicable, a huge contracty with the stae, then that is illegal if not criminal. And with the amount of business the state does and the amount of decisions a governor makes which have big big money implications it is hard for their NOT to be a conflict somewhere sometime.
and thus very hard not to have some unethical/criminal conflict present itself. over and over again
Current price on E-Bay for toilet paper actually used by Big Papi? $2,500. If of course it can be authenticated.
Official Red Sox seal of approval woven into TP.
Forget about the book, just buy A LOT of copies instead of contributing to his political champaign. Wink, wink!
p>That way, you can contribute as much as you want to Deval Patrick and he can use the money on the next campaign free from any campaign limits. Corporations can do it too!
that describes carr’s column and your gloating over it.
The Jim Wright thing is an examplke of why Deval’s one million dollar plus deal smells. This is not lame Ryan. If the marketing stragedy was not to sell this book to corporations than I would be repeating same ole crap. But it is not. This is a shakedown book. Like Jim Wrights.
Economy of words Peter. Economy of words.
Why doesn’t every bloody politician write a book?
p>I bet the Trump Casino would buy thousands of copies from Rep Bosley, no?
p>GEICO? Now there’s a company that loves to read.
why can’t a pollitician just sell his old shoelaces?
Because someone would notice overpriced shoelaces, just as they’d notice if a polician sold an overpriced condomium.
Is there a legal difference, or is it just one of public perception? And if the public perceives it as influence peddling if Geico buys 10,000 copies, then there could still be calls for resignation and graft investigations, just as if it were his shoelaces right?
If I’m the governow and have a plumbing business on the side and my business gets a big plumbing contract from Raytheon whom it never did business then that stinks but on its face no legal or ethics commision violation.
p>But if Ratheon was also negotiating with stae some big tax deal or, if applicable, a huge contracty with the stae, then that is illegal if not criminal. And with the amount of business the state does and the amount of decisions a governor makes which have big big money implications it is hard for their NOT to be a conflict somewhere sometime.
and thus very hard not to have some unethical/criminal conflict present itself. over and over again
Current price on E-Bay for toilet paper actually used by Big Papi? $2,500. If of course it can be authenticated.
Official Red Sox seal of approval woven into TP.