Can you spell ” H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y” ?
Jon Keller’s guerilla tactic hit on Governor Deval Patrick on Thursday night’s WBZ-TV 4 11:00 O’clock News reeks of it.
Keller complained that the Governor would not take a call on the Governor’s monthly WTKK hour on the Egan & Braude program called, Ask The Governor regarding his book deal and therefore ducked the issue.
In truth, Jon Keller was in the WTKK studio during that broadcast. In fact, he was shown on camera interviewing Deval Patrick inside the WTKK studio as proof. So, Keller has no excuse for not knowing that the First Question Jim Braude asked the Governor was about his book deal and they spent nearly 10 minutes on that very subject. Yeah, comment on the news as long as it doesn’t hit home or may affect your own wallet. That would take real guts.
Need Keller be reminded, and this is where the hypocrisy starts to foul the air, Keller works for WBZ TV/CBS Boston which just canned Bob Lobel, Joyce Kulhawik, Scott Whale, and a group of off air producers and neither he or his station, WBZ-TV, reported that story on its newscasts. Talk about ducking an issue that is in every newspaper and many radio stations in the market.
Therefore, may I suggest kindly that Jon Keller clean-up his own house before he attempts to criticize the foul odor of some one else’s home. If you have no standards in your own home your you have no standing in mine.
Sure, Governor Patrick could have taken that caller head on. Maybe Governor Patrick will take on that call or others like him the same day Jon Keller’s station reports on the cut backs at WBZ TV. Until then Keller at Large has lost its integrity and credibility.
If you are going to make a guerilla hit on someone with the cameras blazing at least get your facts right. What he did was far worse. Keller manufactured the news and twisted the facts to fit his agenda.
We would never have seen this lack of broacasting ethics and standards from his predecessor, John Henning, and we are all the worse for that fact that the WBZ-TV segment is not called, Henning At Large.
Addendum: Jon Keller’s son, Barney Keller, was a paid campaign employee for the failed Willard Mitt Romney for president campaign. Today, as reported in The Boston Globe Barney Keller is a a paid spokesman for the state Republicrat Party – aka – Republican Party for those who like to call the other party the “Democrat Party”. Barney Keller is quoted in that article about the Governor’s book deal in clearly stated and defined partisan and negative terms.
As a result,Keller does not come before the cameras at Channel 4 without some perceived biases and interesting behind the scenes political influences on his reporting skills which raise reasonable questions about his “fair and balanced” reporting. If he keeps this up Keller with fit nicely at Fox News, aka, “Fixed News” [ with attribution to Keith Olbermann].
Jon Keller was a fine and distinguished radio talk show host and acolyte of the late, great David Brudnoy, but that was then and this is now. Jon should leave his political biases at the radio mic and not bring them to Keller At Large without a repeated disclaimer.
You say that Keller was in the WTKK studio (Didn’t see it, I’ll take your word for it). Is the video you saw shot before or after the Governor refused to take the call?
p>What does taking or not taking the call have to do with personnel decisions at the company where Keller is an employee? IT’s not ‘his house’, he just works there and has no input on hiring and firing, and has far less autonomy than the governor has in running his administration and choosing if he even shows up in the State House.
p>Acutally, Lisa Hughes did make brief mention of the departures, which is how these things are usually handled.
p>How do the decisions of WBZ management make Jon Keller a hypocrite?
You DO NOT CHANGE the FACTS to suit your political bent.
Keller did.
I heard the show and I heard patrick say he did not regret making the trip to new york and then went on a rant about the legislative proceess.
A real politician would have said it was a mistake. Deval is never ever wrong. The TKK interview confirmed that this guy is cluelessa nd has no ability to see himself as others do. Almost Socio-pathic.
Your post confirms the point that Governor Patrick did NOT duck the issue as reported by Keller At Large.
p>Whether you approve or do not approve of Patrick going to New York is another question completely. Suggest that you track down those posts that discuss that issue.
p>Again, that is not the issue at hand.
p>The issue is honest and fair reporting which Jon Keller faied to conduct.
as a politician Deval is still clueless, even after all these months, of the usual basic crap a Governor should do. Like treating the other branches with the respect a constitutionally seperate BUT EQUAL branch deseves; like not seeing the bad things that can happen by not postponing a personal business meeting on a very important, albeit already decided, legislative vote in which you have place most of your political capital;
like not understanding that it just doesn’t look good to refuse to take call ona subject, no matter that you already talked about it. He has to be aware of how he is percieved. That’s why politicians act the way they do.
p>Deval still doesn’t get it. He relly is starting to creep me out.
The topic here is not Deval it is Keller. Stay on point.
The Point is Keller saw another example of Deval’s disconnect with ordinary political protacols. Deval cannot adjust for whatever reason long after the learning peiod is over.
The point of the post is that Jon Keller said that Governor Deval Patrick ducked discussing the book issue on-air, he did not.
Next week, “Gone With the Wind”.
p>What did you get out of it PJ
Please take this in the with the humor that is intended. Governor Patrick doesn’t sell used cars…you do. đŸ˜‰
” I don’t give a damn.”
E.B. III – Deval Patrick can sing better than you…
Invite him to sing in your band đŸ˜‰
but he disclosed the Barney/Repub Party job a while ago. It’s not breaking news today.