Scott Brown / Sara Orozco: I haven’t seen a lot of positive anything about Scott Brown at all. I’ve even seen him called a tool, but I wonder something. See, I disagree with Barney Frank on most of his policy stances and actions, but I have an infinite amount of respect for his work ethic and his legendary communication with his constituency. Scott Brown has a 100% voting record and a great work ethic in the legislature, do any liberal respect that or are they more concerned with the letter next to his name or a minor meltdown at a high school? I wouldn’t vote for Barney Frank, but I don’t hate him at all. Why do people hate Scott Brown?
I was at BC on Thursday and got to watch Charlie Wilson give a speech. During the Q&A, he seemed a little flabbergasted when he was talking about how the Democrats have managed to mess up what could have been a slam dunk presidential race by having this ridiculous infighting. He’s confident in an Obama win in the primary, as am I. I wonder, is Hillary doing what Mike Huckabee was doing? I seriously don’t get it.
What’s the fuss about cutting corporate taxes? Deval comes from the business world, and he appears to be showing some of his practical experience by doing this. Times are tough for EVERYONE, not just the Gov’t. Raising taxes while walking headlong into a recession is bad fiscal policy. Either lower them or maintain a responsible status quo. Trickle down may not always work with tax cuts, but it never fails with tax increases. Don’t tax me, bro!
I’m never drinking Absolut again. That is the most asinine ad campaign I’ve ever seen. Anyone with me?
I’ve always had a love for Meat Loaf, and due to an unfortunate music situation I had no control over in a particular class I took in high school, I know most Celine Dion hits by heart. I think this might just be one of the best music videos ever.
Anyone else impressed with the Jays? Frank Thomas has arms as big as my torso.
Joe, don’t be a Debbie Downer. As Eabo is fond of saying, time to lighten up.
But I prefer Cranky Frankie.
I don’t hate Scott Brown. He does seem nice, notwithstanding the Needham high flap, and is responsive to constituents.
p>However, I am convinced that his voting profile is far to the right of the district. It’s not just about being anti-marriage-equality, he was also the lone dissenting voice in the senate against stem cell research, for instance.