“Words matter,” Barack Obama has stated repeatedly. Here was an attempt to suppress words during an election. If speech is not allowed during the election process, it undermines the right of voters to make an informed decison, and therefore undermines the right to vote.
The only ones who would have benefited from this attempt to marginalize new faces among the candidates, were those candidates with name recognition and slates behind them. But as we all know, we had a real election in District 8 and no one had a cakewalk. I think we all benefitted from that.
For many, this was the first time they saw how sausage gets made, and may have gotten discouraged. However, because you were there you made a difference and opened up the democratic process. That’s how things change and we avoid complacency.It’s important you stay involved on both a local and national level after this election regardless of the outcome.
So again a big thank you for a wonderful experience, whether you supported me or not. The important thing is you took the time to come to the caucus and vote. For several years, I have been the election warden of my precinct. I am often saddened by the dearth of voter participation in some elections. If my precinct had the enthusiasm and turnout as we did on Saturday, I would be one happy warden.
Warmest wishes, Jim Brinning
Yes JFB3d and EBIII is another Boch and we have the same great grandfather.
p>Good Luck Cuz.
That joke actually sucked.
p>It should have followed the 3rd, III, third framily tree line of comedy reasoning.
p>Sorry for messing up your post JB.
Jim, thanks so much for posting. In a number of my previous posts, I did as much as I could to ensure that people had access to the rules. I’m glad that one way or another this information reached people. With the support of the Democratic Party, the Communications Sub-Committee prepared an FAQ. This FAQ was very well received. The internet has been key in allowing information like this to be easily accessible. Thanks again to Chairman John Walsh for forming the Communications Sub-Committee and to my co-chair Arthur Powell. I will continue to work, both as a DSC member and independently, on getting information out to those who might not otherwise have access.
p>Kudos also to BMG for allowing us to develop an on-line community. It was fun to watch the results come in and to have a way to share them with anyone who was interested.
p>On a personal note, I want to thank those who came out to support my run, as well those who were out of district, or with a different candidate, who wished me luck or came to Shrewsbury, even though they couldn’t vote.
p>As we saw there are many elected officials, union representatives and political operatives who were elected. But there were many others who were elected as well. While I don’t pretend to be a newcomer, I am a software engineer by profession; I earn my living in the private sector. But I was able to get elected as a delegate as a result of my extensive volunteer work for my candidate, as well as doing the work to get supporters to the caucus. I was fortunate to have the support of my Congressman and a group of elected officials and a union official who were on a slate with me.
And thanks for all the communicating you do.