For a while I have been posting information on BMG and elsewhere, especially about Party procedures and rules. Check out the 2006 guide that David posted. Today I am asking BMG denizens for input into a Convention Overview for the Massachusetts Convention.
The Communications Sub-Committee will be working on something comparable for 2008. We have a working session on Saturday afternoon. I am especially looking for your thoughts if you are relatively new to attending conventions. What could we have told you that would have been helpful? Was there any advice that you received that prepared you? Any advice that you would give to a first time delegate?
We are in the very early stages of putting something together and we are not sure what form it will take. I’d really appreciate hearing your thoughts.
When I was talking to people about the caucuses and trying to write something up that would make people want to go, I asked for impressions.
p>One person told me that her first Presidential Caucus four years ago was “exciting and dramatic.” Someone else told me, “It’s more exciting than watching paint dry.”
p>So it is all in the eye of the beholder.
or sneak into the media room and grab their sandwiches — much better than anything else available. Maybe the editors will be in attendance?
Huge line for box lunches and they ALWAYS run out. Pack your pockets, say I.
It’s got a lot of “unofficial” advice as well as details on the factual stuff. I know our first time delegates found it very useful.