From Daniel Kutzman’s political humor blog:
“Did you all see that? She took the shot with the beer chaser. Did it like an old pro. To give you an idea how much she drank, when the phone rang at 3 am, slept right through it.” –Jay Leno
“John McCain said he disagrees with President Bush on the issue of climate change. And believe me, McCain knows what he’s talking about on this subject. Of all the presidential candidates, he is the only one who’s actually lived through an ice age.” –Jay Leno
“Hillary Clinton was shown at a bar in Indiana drinking a beer, and doing a shot of whiskey. Hey, and it worked. Today, Ted Kennedy switched back. ‘I’m for Hillary now!'” –Jay Leno
“The president picked up the pope at the airport. How bored is our president? He’s not the president anymore. Now he’s like your college stoner roommate, doing favors for pizza. Next week I think he’s helping Putin move.” –Jon Stewart
“This seemed odd to me. For the pope’s arrival ceremony at the White House tomorrow, they’re going to give him a 21-gun salute. Now, really, isn’t there a better welcome for the Apostle of Peace than a show of firearms? I mean, whose idea was that? Dick Cheney’s?” –Jay Leno
“But did you hear about this? He’s getting on the flight in Rome, and he was almost not allowed on the aircraft because he tried to bring on more than three ounces of holy water.” –David Letterman
“We also want to wish Pope Benedict a happy birthday. Tomorrow, he’ll be 81 years old. Do you realize in a couple more years, he could be the next Republican nominee?” –Jay Leno
“Even my wife seems to think my image needs polishing. At breakfast today I asked Lynn if, deep down, it bugs her that people have taken to calling me Darth Vader. She said, ‘Not at all. It humanizes you.'” –Dick Cheney at the Radio & TV Correspondents Dinner
After Pope Benedict delivered his speech at the White House, Bush said, “Thank you, your Holiness, awesome speech.” (Watch video clip) Jimmy Kimmel: “I’m surprised he didn’t give him a high-five. When did the president actually become Will Ferrell’s impression of him from Saturday Night Live?”
Ever since I read this article a couple of weeks ago, I’ve found it interesting to read these Joke Revue posts in light of what Russell Peterson said in that interview:
p>In this particular roundup, I must say pretty much none of them are “real satire” by Peterson’s standard – even the Jon Stewart quote doesn’t really hit the mark, though it comes closer than most. Letterman’s joke about airport security is on par with it it. Those are the only two that tripped my real-satire-meter a little bit.
p>Try it, the next time you see one of these joke lists: Which jokes are just “harping on quirks” and “telling us what we already know”, vs. which ones are “grounded in a faith in the political process”, “mean it”, and let some real blood.
there’s a difference between a comedian and a satirist.
p>But then, we knew that.
….true modern political Satire died with Art Buchwald
p>Though I will give credit to Garrison Kiellor who is in the same vein as a Mark Twain or a Will Rodgers
but Cheney’s joke was the funniest.